
Evento inédito em Portugal decorre nos dias 3 e 4 de Junho, em Gaia

Design Studio FEUP e Royal College of Art organizam 24Hrs Inclusive Design Challenge

Inédito em Portugal, o 24Hrs Inclusive Design Challenge vai decorrer nos dias 3 e 4 de Junho, em Gaia. Organizado pelo Design Studio com a orientação de Julia Cassim, considerada uma das 50 personalidades mundiais mais relevantes na área do Design Inclusivo, esta iniciativa propõe, em apenas 24 horas, a criação de uma solução de design inclusivo, passível de ser utilizada por qualquer um, independentemente da idade, condições físicas, etc.
Porto, 31 de Maio de 2011 - O Design Studio da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto e o Royal College of Art de Londres vão organizar nos dias 3 e 4 de Junho um Workshop - 24hrs Inclusive Design Challenge sobre o tema “Cidade Inclusiva”.
Trata-se de uma iniciativa que, na prática, vai constituir um concurso entre 5 equipas que vão, perante um desafio, propor, em apenas 24 horas, uma solução de design inclusivo, isto é, passível de ser utilizada por qualquer um, independentemente da idade, condições físicas, etc.
Esta iniciativa, inédita em Portugal, conta com a orientação da Professora Julia Cassim do Helen Hamlyn Centre (RCA) do Royal College of Art de Londres, à semelhança das que tem vindo a organizar desde 2000, em diversas cidades do mundo.
Considerada uma das 50 personalidades mundiais mais relevantes na área do Design Inclusivo, Júlia Cassim vai orientar 5 equipas multidisciplinares constituídas por Designers de produto, Designers de comunicação, Engenheiros, Arquitectos, Técnicos de planeamento Autárquico, representantes de associações relevantes da área da reabilitação, integração social, etc, estudantes de design de 2º ciclo e “Design Advisers”  utentes com necessidades especiais, sejam elas motoras, visuais, decorrentes de barreiras cognitivas ou culturais).
O objectivo é que cada equipa consiga apresentar no segundo dia de trabalho (sábado) propostas de soluções concretas para os problemas identificados. O espaço do Convento Corpus Christi, cedido pela Câmara Municipal de Gaia, irá acolher a sessão de abertura (na manhã de sexta-feira) e as apresentações dos grupos (no Sábado à tarde). Durante as 24 horas do desafio, o trabalho dos grupos decorrerá nas instalações da Gaiurb.

Sobre Julia Cassim:
Senior Research Fellow do Royal College of Art (UK), Julia Cassim foi considerada, na Design Week's 2010, como "Hot 50 list of people, organisations and movements that have influenced the design world”. Organizando DBA Inclusive Design Challenge em todo o mundo desde 2000, o foco principal da pesquisa Julia Cassim é o desenvolvimento de parcerias criativas entre as pessoas com deficiência e os designers, investigando maneiras de os envolver no processo de criação do projecto para incentivar o pensamento inclusivo de forma inovadora, bem como a elaboração de produtos tradicionais, serviços, comunicações e ambientes que funcionam melhor para todos.


international design clinic

 The International Design Clinic is a registered not-for-profit that provides students, artists and designers the opportunity to use their unique creative talents to design and construct projects for communities in need throughout the world. Since its inception in 2006, the IDC has completed over a dozen projects on three continents, including an urban tent for the homeless made of trash; a communal playspace for Romanian orphans from construction debris; a vision for education based uponborrowed resources for the migrant communities of India; and a three-dollar projection system designed to rearticulate the manner in which art and architecture is conceived, displayed and regenerated.


Design Day Universidade Lusíada do Porto

O Curso de Design vai levar a cabo uma iniciativa destinada a marcar o encerramento do ano lectivo, denominada DD, Design Day, iniciativa que visa inaugurar uma prática que se pretende que venha a ter carácter anual.

Desta iniciativa constarão:
1. Ciclo de comunicações realizadas por ex-alunos de Design da Universidade Lusíada do Porto que virão testemunhar e partilhar as suas experiências profissionais a decorrer no Auditório M3;
2. Exposição dos melhores trabalhos desenvolvidos pelos alunos no decurso do ano lectivo a ter lugar no espaço de entrada do edifício M, entre os dias 27 de Maio e 3 de Junho;
3. Jantar convívio em espaço a definir.

Faculdade de Arquitectura e Artes



“Why sustainability doesn`t matter (to consumers)”


Vai ter lugar no dia 26 de Maio na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto (FLUP), pelas 19:30 na sala 104, a segunda sessão do III Ciclo de Conferências – consumo responsável, com o tema “Why sustainability doesn`t matter (to consumers)”, por Steven Miles, da Faculty of Arts - University of Brighton.
A primeira sessão teve lugar no dia 19 de Maio, na Casa da Horta, e falou-se sobre o “consumo de produtos biológicos em Portugal”.
Pedro Jorge Pereira, do projeto Educaces e também orador, acredita que “a crise atual deve servir para repensar o estilo de vida e os exagerados padrões de consumo e ser aproveitada para valorizar “outras dimensões da vida”.”
Já a terceira e última sessão será sobre “Turismo ecológico e desenvolvimento local”, no dia 3 de Junho, e realizar-se-á na Casa da Juventude de Amarante.
A iniciativa, organizada pelo Instituto de Sociologia da FLUP, conta também com a participação de Mónica Truninger (Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa), Steven Miles (Faculty of Arts - University of Brighton) e de Brígida Rocha Brito(Centro de Estudos Africanos — ISCTE - IUL). A entrada é livre. 

Dieter Rams



inclusive design challenge

"Design Thinking is a failed experiment" - B. Nussbaum (!!)

O Senhor do Design Thinking, Bruce Nussbaum, diz que, afinal, não é Design Thinking, é "Creative Inteligence", ou "Creative Quotient" (CQ).
O artigo e a discussão que está a gerar podem ser lidos aqui, no site da Fast Company.


USERfit tool

Para quem está ligado ao design inclusivo o USERfit não é novidade nenhuma. Em poucas palavras, o USERfit é uma compilação de metodologias para levar a cabo projectos sob a abordagem do chamado "participatory design".
O que menos gente sabe é que há uma versão disponível para descarga na internet que nos poupa a impressão daquelas páginas todas vezes sem conta, facilitando o trabalho e permitindo também o trabalho em equipa à distância. É verdade que podia ter uma apresentação mais cuidada, mas é mais eficiente que a versão impressa.
Este software, o USERfit Tool, foi criado por Abascal e colaboradores (2003) e pode ser descarregado daqui (canto inferior esquerdo da página).

Abascal J., Arrue M., Garay N., Tomás J. (2003) USERfit Tool. A tool to facilitate Design for All. In N. Carbonell, Stephanidis (eds.) Universal Access: Theoretical Perspectives, Practice, and Experience. LNCS. Springer, Berlin 2003. http://www.springer.de/cgi/svcat/search_book.pl?isbn=3-540-00855-1.

Poulson D., Ashby M., Richardson S. (1996). USERfit: A practical handbook on user centred design for assistive technology. ECSC-EC-EAEC, Brussels-Luxembourg.

Projecto TOMA-LÁ

Marca ”Toma Lá” nasceu no âmbito de um Projecto de Design Social, promovido pela CPD – Comissão para Pessoas com Deficiência do Concelho de Cascais que envolveu oito instituições, uma designer e contou com o apoio da Câmara Municipal de Cascais. O objectivo principal foi o de criar uma colecção de peças de design diferentes, únicas e com história. A “Toma Lá” promove a inovação, integração e a empatia!


Appropriate Technology (AT)

The goal of Appropriate Technology (AT) is to increase the standard of living for the developing world without condescension, complication, or environmental damage. Typical AT inventions are more labor intensive, require fewer resources, and use low cost or readily available materials wherever possible. Special attention is paid to the social, cultural, and ethical aspects of the communities the technology is intended for. 

Concrete Canvas Shelter

UK firm Concrete Canvas knows too well that “temporary” tent cities for refugees offer little protection from the elements, and a more sturdy solution is needed using local materials. Their solution is Concrete Canvas, an ingenious material for rapidly deployable hardened shelters that require only their product, water and air for construction. Just pump up the air bladder to provide temporary scaffolding, put the Concrete Canvas on top of the air bladder, and pour fresh or even salt water on the canvas. Let the canvas dry for 24 hours. Then remove the air bladder and you have a sturdy (25 or 54 sqm) shelter that can last up to 10 years. It’s even waterproof and fireproof. Two people with no training can assemble the smaller CCS25 version in 24 hours. More information.

Pot-In-Pot Refrigerator

In 2001, Nigerian Mohammed Bah Abba won the 2001 Rolex Awards for Enterprise with his invention of a simple cooling system to preserve food in rural areas with no electricity. His solution was a Pot-in-Pot refrigerator, which relies on the concept of evaporative cooling. The system works by putting a smaller clay pot inside a larger one, separating the two by constantly moist sand. Evaporation causes a cooling effect in the inner pot. Eggplants are reported to stay fresh for 27 days, nine times their usual expiration date. Tomatoes and peppers can last for up to 21 days (I can’t even get that to happen in my own refrigerator!) More information.

Rocket Stove

A rocket stove is a super-efficient heater invented at the Aprovecho Research Center to reduce biomass fuel requirements in developing countries. It combines the stove’s air-intake with the fuel-feed slot in an opening terminated by a combustion chamber, which in turn leads to a chimney and heat exchanger. Rocket Stoves are commonly used today in Lesotho, Malawi, Uganda, Mozambique, Tanzania, and Zambia. The stoves are easy to build using local materials, and accept small diameter fuel such as twigs and branches. The resultant heat is directed to a very small area, and greatly reduces the amount of wood fuel needed for cooking and boiling water. Aprovecho won the 2009 Ashden International Energy Champion Award for its Rocket Stove technology. More information.

24Hrs Inclusive Design Challenge - 5 LUGARES DISPONÍVEIS

Os leitores mais assíduos dos nosso blog serão conhecedores de que estamos a organizar em parceria com o Helen Hamlyn Centre -Royal College of Art, um Workshop em Design Inclusivo. Ver post dia 10 Março.

O 24Hrs Inclusive Design Challenge, orientado pela Professora Julia Cassim decorrerá nos dias 3 e 4 de Junho em Vila nova de Gaia, no Convento Corpus Christi e nas instalações da Gaiurb na zona ribeirinha de Gaia.

Por ser a primeira vez que este evento é acolhido em Portugal, a organização seleccionou por convite os participantes. Porém, consideramos que não somos conhecedores de todos aqueles que se interessam por esta matéria e por isso deixamos em aberto 5 vagas.

Os interessados (Designers de comunicação, Designers de produto, Designers de interfaces, Arquitectos, Engenheiros mecânicos ou Engenheiros electrotécnicos, assim como alunos de Mestrado ou de Doutoramento) na temática do Design Inclusivo poderão manifestar o seu interesse enviando um email para inclusive@fe.up.pt e desse modo receberem informação mais detalhada e ficha de inscrição para avaliação da organização.

O valor de inscrição é de €50,00 e inclui as refeições durante o período em que decorre o Workshop.



Humanitarian Engineering and Social Entrepreneurship

The Journal welcomes manuscripts based on the original work of students, faculty and researchers with a specific focus on projects, programs, research and pedagogy that involve humanitarian engineering, social entrepreneurship, and service learning. 
A primary purpose of the Journal is to foster inquiry into rigorous engineering design and research and direct those efforts toward solving problems of marginalized communities. The examination of cultural appropriateness is emphasized along with the application of appropriate technologies and entrepreneurial application of sustainable solutions. Focus is also placed on associated pedagogy and the dissemination of project results as the Journal seeks to nurture service learning in engineering as a distinct body of knowledge. 



Product Design Consultants and Product Development Consultants

Rodd Design. Experts in user centred design and innovation. 

We provide an international client base with user centred design direction and user centred innovation. We blend user research, empathy and innovation to create meaningful and engaging products, strategies and consumer experience. 

Rodd/Observations & Innovations

In the bizarre surroundings of Frankfurt's 'other' airport we came across these rather strange seating signs. Do wheelchair users feel they need to sit in a plastic seat while waiting for a plane? I suspect they simply remain empty with lots of passengers having to stand because they are too polite to sit in the disabled seats. Hmmmm, is this the opposite to inclusivity?


CIPED - 2ª Call for Papers até 15 de Maio

;A 2ª Call for Papers está aberta até ao dia 15 de Maio de 2011

Depois de recebermos inúmeros pedidos de adiamento do prazo para submissão de artigos ao 6º CIPED, a comissão organizadora do evento decidiu estender até 15 de Maio de 2011 o prazo para submissão de artigos.


A experiencia deste primeiro ano de funcionamento do Curso de Especialização em Design e Desenvolvimento de Produto mostrou que apesar da estrutura geral do projecto ter sido bem aceite pelos alunos e de ter gerado resultados apreciáveis, poderão ser consideradas várias melhorias num futuro programa de Especialização / Mestrado nomeadamente ao nível de:
a) compactação de horário de funcionamento com diminuição das horas de contacto no 3º e 4º semestres
b) correcção dos ECTS das UCs para os aproximar mais do esforço exigido aos alunos e reflectir melhor o peso das respectivas classificações na média final do ciclo de estudos. A parte projectual passa a representar 50% do 1º, 2º e 3º semestres e 100% do 4º. As horas de contacto das restantes disciplinas forma ajustadas de acordo com as realmente despendidas na leccionação das matérias na 1ª edição.
c) integração dos ciclos de palestras complementares realizados na UC de Lab Pro por forma a reforçar a abordagem convergente das matérias
d) eliminação da existência de ramos no 2º ano (logisticamente muito difícil com o numero de alunos envolvido) centrando a oferta, ao nível do 3º semestre, num perfil mais identitário da proposta e numa abordagem ainda inexistente em Portugal.
e) reforço das sinergias a nível da Universidade do Porto por uma cooperação mais estreita com a FBAUP desde logo ao nível das formações intensivas prévias (cursos intensivos de desenho e CAD), de partilha de disciplinas / docentes ao nível de um tronco comum e de leccionação cruzada ao nível das UC mais directamente ligadas a cada área científica.
f) adopção uma designação mais específica do tipo: "Engenharia do Design Industrial e Desenvolvimento de Produto" que permita perceber a diferente abordagem que aqui se pratica em relação a outras escolas de design de cariz mais teórico a abstracto.

A estrutura que se apresenta é uma MERA PROPOSTA DE TRABALHO que se desenvolveu no sentido de permitir uma possível melhoria contínua da oferta da FEUP e com a qual esperamos recolher comentários que permitam a sua validação ou melhoria. Obrigado


Articulating DesignThinking

“Articulating DesignThinking”                                                                   
Between the 18th and 20th April 2012, the School of Design at Northumbria University will host Design Thinking Research Symposium2012 (DTRS 2012).  The symposium entitled, “Articulating Design Thinking”, will be run along similar (but different) lines to the workshop-based events that we have seen in past DTRS and related events such as the “Delft Protocols” in 1994, theDTRS7 event “Analysing Design Meetings” in London in 2007, and the “Studying Professional Software Designers” workshop held at the University of California, Irvine in 2010 wherein a number of invited workshop delegates were asked to respond to a given common set of data (i.e. video recordings and transcripts).
DTRS 2012 at the School of Design, Northumbria University will, however, make a few changes to the workshop-based format.  Everything you need to know about DTRS 2012 can be found by clicking the appropriate buttons.

Diversity and unity

he International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR) and Delft University of Technology cordially invite you to participate in the 4th World Conference on Design Research, IASDR2011, to be held on October 31 - November 4, 2011 at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering of TUDelft in the Netherlands.


The DESIRE Network is pleased to announce the Second International Conference on Creativity and Innovation in Design, to be held in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, on 19-21 October 2011.
The conference theme of the first DESIRE conference, held in Aarhus, Denmark, on 16-17 August 2010, was theories and models of creative processes in design (see https://conference.cbs.dk/index.php/desire/conference for more details).
The conference theme of this second DESIRE conference is theory and practice of creative processes in design. Full papers and workshop proposals are invited on the following topics:
  • Methods, tools and techniques for supporting creative design processes
  • Methods, tools and techniques for observing and studying creative design processes
  • Design cases illustrating the role of creativity in design
  • Theoretical insights into creative design processes in design and related domains
  • Visions on teaching & research in  creative design
  • Creativity by teams, organizations, and communities
  • Representations supporting creative design
  • Understanding the social and psychological aspects of design work
  • Social and cultural theories of design work
The conference is organized by the DESIRE Network (www.desirenetwork.eu) which is funded by the European Commission. The network aims to advance the current understanding of creative processes applied in scientific and technological design.
This conference is organized In-Cooperation with ACM and the proceedings will be published in the ACM library. Keynote speakers are Marc Hassenzahl and Linda Candy.
The conference takes place just prior to the 10th edition of the Dutch Design Week, the major annual venue to experience Dutch design in all its facets (seewww.dutchdesignweek.nl/index.php?lang=en&id=0). This year’s Dutch Design Week in which over 1500 designers participated lasted 9 days, has 300 events spread over 65 locations throughout the town of Eindhoven, and drew 150.000 visitors from Holland and abroad.


elcome to DPPI 11, the 5th conference on Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces.
As in previous DPPI conferences, we challenge you to participate in an exhilarating week of listening, doing, research, designing, discussing, learning and having fun.
The organizing committee has done its best to build an attractive program for you. As in any conference, the crux of the program consists of paper presentations, but there will be many other types of activities as well.


ordes – Nordic Design Research – is a network of people interested in design research and participating in the Nordes conferences, the Nordes Summer schools or other Nordes activities. Nordes is an open network that started with the first Nordic Design Research Conference in Copenhagen 2005. In addition to organising the bi-annual Nordes conferences and Summer schools Nordes promotes the publication and dissemination of design research through the Nordes Digital Archive. The Nordes board is responsible for the program of the upcoming conference and also for all activities between conferences. The board consists of people from all Nordic countries, elected at each Nordes conference. The next Nordes conference – Making Design Matter – will be held in Helsinki in May 29th - June 1st, 2011.

To read the call and program for Nordes 2011, please visit conference site:
To manage a submitted a paper, please go to the Nordes conference system site, which is hosted with Open Conference System. For older conference material, please see previous conferences or theconference system site.


The OPENSiG was originally launched in 2007 under the name ‘Emotion, Experience and Interaction’.  A special strand at the DRS conference 2008 and two successful workshops at Sheffield Hallam University (2007) and Nottingham Trent University (2010) served to define the group’s interest in broad questions about human-object interactions – focusing on Objects and engaging with social Practices, which involve Experiences with/ of objects in Networks of relationship.

Comprising artists and designers and social scientists, the intention of OPENSiG is to facilitate engagement with recent work that has emerged in non-design disciplines over recent years, which is relevant to design and in which the term ‘design’ is used.  To achieve this, the group’s activities will explicitly draw together work in Design Practice, HCI, Science and Technology Studies, Art Practice, work on Material Culture in Geography, Archaeology and Anthropology and Sociology, Art History, Design History and the Philosophy of Technology.

This multi-disciplinary mix will allow participants to engage with this variety of approaches to human-object relationships. The relationship between, for instance, analytical-philosophical and experiential modes of address, framed by an understanding of how objects and technologies play out in everyday life, has the potential to influence a wide range of design.

The intellectual interaction between the SiG and these disciplines will be reciprocal.  A strong relationship exists between HCI and STS researchers, drawing in individuals who cross between art and design and sociology and adopt complementary approaches and methods. This allows DRS members to participate in the international debates that draw on these cross-disciplinary relationships.
OPENSiG activities will be announced here. If you would like to be part of OPENSiG, please contact:
Prof Tom Fisher
Nottingham Trent University




Designboost envisions a holistic approach as a condition for sustainable design. To fulfil this vision we believe in upgrading design competence and boosting competitiveness by knowledge sharing. 
Our four inter-related platforms: BoostEvent, BoostMedia, BoostResource and BoostConcept can be further explored in our periodical table of design knowledge.


DAVID REPORT Monografias

Time to Rethink Design

by  on  • 21:36

Communication Through Product flip through 


This website contains 696 maps, with associated information and PDF 'poster' file. Each map relates to a particular subject. Click on the 'Thumbnail Index' which gives thumbnail previews of the maps, 'Map Categories' which is classified to see the choice, or a new option 'A-Z Map Index', and view a map and associated information. There is also a Site Map and Help page.
The country cartograms contain 171 maps showing a population grid for each covered territory/region projected on a cartogram. More information on the country cartograms are explained on this info page.


Novidades no blog.  Dado que os leitores existem (as estatísticas abaixo apresentadas confirmam-no), tenho de concluir que não comentam nem interagem neste blog por inércia, apatia, comodismo ou falta de solidariedade para com o persistente escriba (sorry pela franqueza). Para tentar (de novo) obter uma maior participação inclui um simples botão de reacção (interessa - não interessa) para tentar perceber que tipo de posts são mais valorizados e devam ser desenvolvidos. Outra curiosidade da estatística decorre das visualizações por país; Coreia do Sul, Letónia e Irão foram uma surpresa! Quanto às visitas diárias parece que são qualquer coisa entre 50 e 150 (3458 em Março 2011). Nada mau para um blog que não tem fotografias de celebridades, não trata de jogos, não dá toques de telemóvel nem é patrocinado pela Coca Cola. Pessoalmente acho que é um numero suficientemente para justificar que isto continue como até aqui. Apesar disso continuar não quer dizer ficar na mesma, por isso, eliminei dois dos sub-blogs transferindo os seus conteúdos para o blog base. Bom domingo!

Smithsonian National Design Triennial

Inaugurated in 2000, the Triennial program seeks out and presents the most innovative designs at the center of contemporary culture. In this fourth exhibition in the series, the National Design Triennial will explore the work of designers addressing human and environmental problems across many fields of the design practice, from architecture and products to fashion, graphics, new media, and landscapes. Cooper-Hewitt curators Ellen Lupton, Cara McCarty, Matilda McQuaid, and Cynthia Smith will present the experimental projects and emerging ideas for the period between 2006 and 2009.

Design with the Other 90%: CITIES

The groundbreaking 2007 "Design for the Other 90%" exhibition has been developed into an ongoing series that will continue to focus on design solutions that address the 90 percent of the world's population not traditionally serviced by the professional design community.

"Design with the Other 90%: CITIES," the second exhibition in the series, will examine the complex issues arising from the unprecedented rate of urban growth projected to take place over the next 20 years, primarily in the informal settlements of the global south. Organized by Cynthia Smith, curator of socially responsible design, along with a 10 person advisory committee, the exhibition will explore the multidisciplinary, overlapping relationships among urban planning and design, education, social entrepreneurship, climate change, sanitation and water, migration, public health and affordable housing in these communities. As part of "Design with the Other 90%: CITIES," the museum will make the information it gathers in the field accessible through an online open-network database, which will enable designers, communities and other stakeholders to work together to develop design solutions to these challenges. This important dialogue will also continue through a scholarly catalog and robust education programs.

David Report

This is an interview with Bill Moggridge where he talks about how we can make design that really matters. The interview is made by Designboost and is one of three made this spring on the topic Design Beyond Design, which is also the theme for Designboost 2011.
Bill Moggridge is the director of the Smithsonian’s Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, the only museum in the United States devoted exclusively to historic and contemporary design. Bill designed the first laptop computer, the Grid Compass, launched in 1982. He describes his career as having three phases, first as a designer with projects for clients in ten countries, second as a co-founder of IDEO where he developed design methods for interdisciplinary design teams, and third as a spokesperson for the value of design in everyday life, writing, presenting and teaching, supported by the historical depth and contemporary reach of the museum.
Bill Moggridge recently relased the book, video and website Designing Media.http://davidreport.com/201104/bill-moggridge-interview-theme-design-design/