
Red Dot 2010

O livro Energias Renováveis, editado pelo Atelier Nunes e Pã e que conta com a colaboração de vários autores da FEUP, cujo lançamento simultâneo com uma exposição temática esteve previsto para a Biblioteca mas não chegou a ser efectuado, ganhou um prémio de design internacional Red Dot 2010, com exposição no Museu RD em Essen na Alemanha.

...e no mesmo mês em que se celebram os 20 anos do ADA...

"(...) Unfortunately, as we mark this important anniversary, the bureaucrats in Washington are busy on a new scheme that will bring serious harm to millions with disabilities. This new scheme, dreamed up in the back corridors of Washington and pushed into law in the middle of the night, seeks to reduce access to assistive technology and medical equipment used by people with disabilities.
Washington's new program eliminates the patients' right to choose a professional medical provider for essential items like complex wheelchairs and medical oxygen. Instead, those with disabilities will be left to source such equipment and services from a handful of dealers who provide the cheapest equipment and very limited services. (...)"
Enfim, mais do mesmo...
Ver o texto na íntegra, publicado no WCFCourier, aqui.

26 de Julho de 1990

Já passaram uns dias, mas achei por bem lembrar aqui que o American with Disabilities Act (ADA) fez, no passado dia 26, 20 anos.
Qualquer pessoa que tenha o mínimo interesse na história da defeiciência e dos direitos das pessoas com deficiências sabe a importância que teve esta data.
Desde então foram feitas algumas actualizações que podem ser vistas, juntamente com outras informações relacionadas, na página da ADA.
Para quem tenha alguma curiosidade sobre a regulamentação existente em termos de acessibilidade, a ligação é esta.


Aluno da estg-ipvc vence concurso da Chevrolet

José Rocha, aluno da estg-ipvc, foi o vencedor do concurso "Young Creative Chevrolet" na área de artes visuais com a proposta "Let the sparks come out". Dois outros alunos da mesma escola (Daniel Oliveira e Filipa Faria) ficaram em 2.º e 3.º lugar a nível nacional, passando à fase internacional, pelo que as suas propostas podem também ser vistas no mesmo site da competição.


Do-gooder Design and Imperialism, Round 3: Nussbaum Respond



Associação Portuguesa de Criatividade

Associação Portuguesa de Criatividade http://www.apgico.pt/

Criada em 2007, a entidade sem fins lucrativos, denominada Associação Portuguesa de Criatividade e Inovação, que adopta a designação abreviada de APGICO, é formada por um conjunto de associados-fundadores ligados à universidade e às empresas, com interesses no desenvolvimento da criatividade e da inovação nas organizações.

A APGICO destina-se a desenvolver, divulgar e promover conhecimentos e experiências na área da gestão da criatividade e da inovação organizacional, ajudando a criar condições para a competitividade das empresas e eficácia das organizações.

A APGICO tem como objectivos:
1. desenvolver, divulgar e promover conhecimentos e experiências na área da gestão da criatividade e da inovação organizacional;
2. estabelecer contactos internacionais com organizações congéneres;
3. criar fóruns de diálogo entre empresas, instituições académicas, organismos governamentais e demais entidades interessadas na gestão da criatividade e da inovação.

Designing the Future

see here http://designingthefuture.tumblr.com/getinvolved


International Association for Universal Design

We are an organization which inherits the spirit and the results of the "International Conference for Universal Design in Japan 2002". We seek for further progress and to make a comfortable living environment, and to lead Japan in disseminating information to the world. Through the products and services, we promote the establishment of the foundations of a society in which more people will feel comfortable to live. (link were)


Location of seats for passengers with reduced mobility

Novos cursos da FEUP na Tecnometal

No último número da revista Tecnometal (188 - Maio/Junho)  foi publicado um detalhado artigo sobre os novos cursos de Design e Desenvolvimento de Produto da FEUP (pag. 28 a 34). Esta inserção é um contributo importante, que muito agradecemos, para a Divulgação e Promoção destas iniciativas, em especial ao Eng. Hermenegildo Pereira que sempre tem acompanhado com atenção as actividades do DESIGNstudioFEUP


Tecnologia apropriada e escala local

Projecto de barraquinha desmontável, fruto do protocolo entre o DsF e a Camara Municipal de Arouca. Recorre a tecnologia simples e materiais correntes. Estes postos de venda, construídos localmente permitiram a realização da primeira feira do Agricultor em Arouca. Este certame de periodicidade quinzenal visa promover a venda directa do produtor ao consumidor dos produtos da agricultura da região e foi considerado um enorme sucesso pela população. (Nora técnica: A estrutura não foi optimizada pelo método dos elementos finitos, mas sim a olho - eh eh. Para a segunda série já se identificaram vários pontos que irão ser sujeitos a melhorias de detalhe)


CFP: Vision Plus 2010

"We gladly announce Vision Plus 2010, the 14th installment in a series of
internationally recognized conferences - and the first of its kind in India,
to be held at the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad, as part of our
Golden Jubilee Celebrations from December 13 to 15 in 2010.


Developments in Communities, Healthcare, and Mobility pose not only compelling
challenges but also provide governments, NGOs, and industries with
extraordinary opportunities for betterment.
These are issues which affect the everyday life of all of us.

Vision Plus 2010 aims to identify the needs and constraints of concerned
people by presenting use-cases from various local contexts. Emphasising the
impact of the information-, interaction- and interface-factors in successful
design solutions we will show, examine, and develop directions for sustainable
design strategies.

You are invited to actively participate by

suggesting people, topics, and projects.

submitting abstracts of papers/posters

registering early

Important Dates
Submission of Abstract due: July 31
Notification of Acceptance: August 14
Final Submission of Presentation: October 30"


Design & Intervention Workshops at Aldeias do Xisto Portugal


Summer 2009 was the beginning of a Design & Intervention program aimed at supporting ADXTUR (the Agency for the Development & Tourism in Aldeias do Xisto) by the creation of a platform in which, through creativity & design, ideas and possibilities for the sustainable development of inland Portugal could be explored and discussed.

Taking then the form of interdisciplinary design workshops, the platform created a meeting point between the local population and several international designers.

A meeting point through which knowledge that had survived in the people, objects, architecture and landscape of the region was mapped and with which insights into sustainable design processes and into some of the challenges involved in local development were gathered.

Design & Intervention Summer Workshops 2010:

This upcoming August, with the direction of the designers Daniela Pais and David Luxembourg, the Design & Intervention platform will take the shape of a Design Laboratory which will explore and investigate ways of supporting the efforts of local municipalities in central Portugal against the human desertification, oblivion and abandonment of traditionally built stone villages.

Around this Design Lab, in 3 periods of 1 week each, a series of interdisciplinary design workshops will take place. The program for these workshops is a combination between creative thinking and creative making, and is aimed at offering and developing new insights into the design process and challenges involved in the creation of new and innovative concepts about crafts, nature, sustainability, social design & local development.

The project is a collaboration with the Portuguese project Schist Villages Network ‘Aldeias do Xisto’. This is a sustainable development project of a regional scope and context that is promoted by ADXTUR -Agency for the Development & Tourism of Aldeias do Xisto, in a partnership with 16 counties in the Central Region of Portugal and over 70 operators & businesses on this territory.

Participation in these workshops is open for designers, design students and other creative professionals who are interested in sustainable design within the contexts of rural living & local development.

The Design Laboratory:

As mentioned already above, the Design & Intervention platform will take the shape of a Design Laboratory, as a part of a continued program, integrating the main objectives of the Design & Intervention platform (to see what these are click here) and following/focusing on a different themes as the design and intervention program develops.

The first Design Lab. theme will be focused on the idea of survival: survival of knowledge, of heritage, of values, of resources and of the participants of the LAB & Workshop themselves.

Around this theme the Design Lab. will promote a continuity of the design & intervention program in the villages through specific projects during the year and as well as through residences for designers and the summer workshops.

Workshop 2010 Program:


As mentioned before the program for these workshops is a combination between a ‘Hands on’ approach and a ‘Minds on’ approach, involving the local community its resources and its artisans with national and international designers & design students while keeping the focus on the regional intervention program, its aims and its needs. A briefing will be given in the beginning of each workshop as to what these are and as to the communities, artisans and crafts that are involved.

The participants to the summer workshops can expect to be busy with hand-on design regarding sustainability and the reinvention of everyday luxuries (including cooking) & technologies in a rural environment (also in order to reduce their footprint during their stay at the villages). They can also expect to get involved with local communities while scouting and collecting knowledge and information about their environment, data that will be transformed into proposals or acts of intervention as each workshop progresses. Bellow you will find a week-by-week themes and planning:

Period I - 02.08 till 08.08
Hands on: Making the basics for living / survival tools
Minds on: Researching & developing initial proposals for interventions according to LAB assignment by Scouting; mapping; analyzing; pointing out proposals/ directions.

Period II - 09.08 till 15.08
Hands on: Making of design essentials / sustainable & local technologies
Minds on: following on the previously LAB assignment directions, Research and development taking a more specific and direct approach into providing solutions and detailed proposals.

Period III - 16.08 till 22.08
Hands on: Making of communication materials exploring local resources and using the technologies previously developed at workshop 2.
Minds on: Finalizing proposals and solutions on a micro level, dealing with execution details and scenarios of implementation of proposals provided by previous workshops.

Criteria for participation:

Participation in these workshops is open for designers, design students and other creative professionals who are interested in sustainable design within the contexts of rural living & local development.

You can ask for an application form for the workshops - either via info@danielapais.com or through hello@yoad.info

Please note:
- Per workshop/period there are only 8 places available. We recommend people who are interested in participating in the workshops, to contact us directly and register/reserve their place(s) ASAP.
- You can participate in 1, 2, or 3 workshops (see listing of period below).

- You must be 20 years old or older.
- In order that we will have a better understanding of who you are and how you work, we ask each participant to write us/send us a short C.V. or Bio (max 1 A4 long) with some details about themselves their work, study, education etc.

+ Also (this part is not compulsory) if you have any website or a small portfolio that we could look in please let us know where it is (URL) or simply send it to our emails.

* As a platform the design & intervention program is open to involvement of all interested and interesting parties, therefore the possibility is given to creative professionals & design students with a special interest or project to combine their studies with this program and to continue and explore their ideas and concept within the workshops. If you have a special interest or an ongoing project you would like to continue and explore during the workshop, please attach a short power point presentation or PDF about it when sending back your application form.

Participation costs:

*Important notice* Together with the local municipalities we are working on ways to reduce the participation fee to an ideal cost of 300 Euros/week. Prices bellow may change in the future. *Important notice*

Per week – 500 Euros
(Period I - 02.08 till 08.08, Period II - 09.08 till 15.08, or Period III - 16.08 till 22.08)
For 2 weeks (10% discount) – 900 Euros
(Periods I & II - 02.08 till 15.08)
For 3 weeks (20% discount) – 1200 Euros
(Periods I, II and III - 02.08 till 22.08)

Prices are per person and include: Accommodation (in a shared room / camping), Meals (full board) and Materials.

Deadline: All application must be submitted and received before the 10th July 2010."

Ver mais aqui.


CFP: "The Endless End. 9th International Conference of the European Academy of Design"

The 9th International Conference of the European Academy of Design Porto, Portugal 4 - 7 May 2011

Deadline for submissions: 1st September 2010

The European Academy of Design, the University of Porto and ID+, Institute for Research in Design, Media and Culture invite you to the 9th EAD International Design Conference: The Endless End.

The conference offers a forum for design academics, researchers, practitioners, thinkers and industry representatives to meet, exchange ideas and share new knowledge and insights across the fields of design. The conference includes keynote lectures, papers, posters and an exhibition of practice-based design research. The language of the conference is English. All documentation and related media will be in English. There is a sense of vertigo permeating contemporary culture as a whole, and design in particular. So much so, that we often find ourselves wondering if design as we have known it still matters. Design seems to have lost its universe of focus, branching exponentially into a multitude of concerns and activities formerly situated well beyond its scope. Likewise, design seems to be the new interest of so many professionals situated outside its area of expertise; not long ago it seemed like design was being courted, and maybe even actively cultivating, a territorial ambiguity that has kept its professionals worried, to say the least. Design now speaks of street culture and cutting-edge technology, museums and iPhone apps, just as it has spoken of campaign posters, haute couture, heavy industries, exercises in kitsch and typography. This dissipation of a discernible territory of practice could seem like a loss at first, until we gradually came to understand that Design is, after all and despite the contextual noise, a deeply human activity, and, as such, any circumscription of its potential would, in itself, be an artifice, an operational and transitory device; and that, rather than being devalued by this apparent dilution of its area of expert operation, Design suddenly has the opportunity to expand and mature as far as its context, content and purpose are concerned.


locality: the role of design in specific social and cultural environments (case studies), localisation of design and production liquidity: design´s redefined and expanding territories nomadism: design actively searching for new areas and tools of expertise involvement: design as a catalyst for change and progress vertigo: envisioning what´s ahead, calibrating past inheritances education: how can design be taught in an era of multiplicity, prosumers and open creativity?


The Conference invites the submission of abstracts related to the conference theme (500 words maximum). Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit papers up to 2,500 words in length that report significant and original design-related research. Accepted papers will be refereed and published in the conference proceedings.


The conference invites the submission of abstracts related to the conference theme (500 words maximum). Abstracts may be accompanied by up to 3 illustrations. The posters are intended to provide a snapshot view of ongoing or recently completed design related research. The posters should include the title, objectives, methodology and current or expected outcomes of the research. The posters will be reproduced as PDF images and incorporated into the published proceedings.


The conference invites the submission of proposals (500 words maximum) for the exhibition of practice-based design related research. The proposal should describe the work being exhibited, giving precise dimensions. For each exhibited artefact authors will be asked to provide a concise written explanation describing the related research. Early Stage Researchers The European Academy of Design wishes to be supportive of early stage researchers. This includes researchers who may have had limited experience of submitting and presenting papers at an international level or doctoral students. Therefore submissions under this category will receive a sympathetic review and additional feedback may be given. If you are an early stage researcher and wish your abstract to be considered under this category, please indicate when submitting your abstract by checking the appropriate field on the conference web site.


30th June 2010 - Online submission of abstracts open 1st September 2010 - Deadline for submission of abstracts/poster abstracts/exhibition proposals 1st October 2010 - Notification of acceptance of abstracts/ proposals 1st December 2010 - Deadline for submission of full papers 5th February 2011 - Notification of acceptance of full papers 4 - 7 May 2011 - Conference takes place

Contact conference organizers at: endlessend2011@gmail.com


AAATE Workshop

Ah, e, claro, a AAATE vai também realizar um workshop chamado "AT technology transfer", que vai ter lugar em Sheffield entre os dias 4 e 5 de Outubro deste ano. O tema é: "The Social Model for Assistive Technology - Technology Transfer".
Ver mais aqui.

AAATE 2011

O site ainda não tem nada, mas já foi anunciada a próxima conferência da Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe, que se vai realizar entre os dias 31 de Agosto e 2 de Setembro em Maastricht.