
Lista de discussão "PHD_DESIGN"

Há uma lista de discussão de investigadores em design e há muitos investigadores na área das ajudas técnicas e design inclusivo, entre outras.
Vale a pena integrar a lista, não só para acompanhar (diariamente) o que vai sendo feito em termos de investigação em design, mas também para pedir ajuda, ajudar ou partilhar conhecimento com outros investigadores.
O endereço é este.

(Se calhar já começo a abusar nos "posts", mas começando...)


Design e emoção

O meu caminho até às ajudas técnicas passa pelo interesse e estudo da área de "design e emoção" ou "design para as emoções". Apesar de haver muitos estudos nesta área provenientes da investigação em Marketing, há grandes lições que podemos deles tirar e aproveitar os resultados no estudo do impacto emocional que têm as ajudas técnicas nas vidas de quem as usa. É esse, aliás, o meu tema de investigação.
Como tal, aqui fica o link para a Design & Emotion Society, nascida na Holanda e ligada ao ID-Studiolab, que tem feito um trabalho estupendo na investigação das emoções aplicadas ao design. O site da Design & Emotion Society tem, na área de "Knowledge base" - "Tools and methods" uma série de recursos para os investigadores acerca de como juntar e analisar dados relacionados com as emoções suscitadas pelos produtos. Entre eles está o PrEmo (mencionado também por Renato Bispo num artigo que disponibilizou aqui no blogue).
A tese de doutoramento do Pieter Desmet (autor do PrEmo) que descreve o processo de criação desta ferramenta está também disponível na íntegra para download no site da TU Delft. A ligação directa para a pesquisa desta e de outras teses de doutoramento é esta: http://www.library.tudelft.nl/ws/search/publications/index.htm



Design, the oldest profession of all?

Editorialists, journalists, designers, art historians - all agree that design is a young sector. Is this correct ? Although the design sector may be characterised by young industries, is design really that young ? Looking back at the Crystal Palace exhibition, many people would agree that design is about 150 years old. Again, is this true? Is design the oldest activity of all ?

If we look at the main design domains –product design, communication design, environment design and fashion design– can we tell that design dates from 1851? Human beings made tools and objects well before that date. Can we ignore the fact that they wore clothes, built houses or communicated hundreds and thousands of years before the industrial revolution? The drawings in the Lascaux caves also tell us that man began to think about communication thousands of years ago.

Our ancestors did not call themselves designers but they were acting more or less as designers. The shift that happened at various points in history is that designing became a conscious activity. It became more and more sophisticated, along with technology, market constraints and other developments. Can design be related to a production process – industrialisation – in an age where sustainable development is leading us to a smaller, regional, on-demand scale of production? And, production processes that we consider today as ‘craft’ were at some point at the cutting edge of technology.

So, design activity is probably one of the oldest activities of mankind. The fact that we still consider it as a young profession is merely a sign that design is not yet a mature sector, economically speaking. Although it is exciting to be in a profession that has discovered eternal youth, this brings challenges for designers. It also generates difficulties for career development and one simply cannot make a living from a passion. These are challenges that educators should address and integrate into their programmes.

see here

World Food Programme

Caros Professores,

Antes de mais espero que se encontrem bem.

Escrevo para fazer um ponto de situação na relação criada entre a FEUP e a WFP-UN.

Após o fim da minha Tese e da visita do Mr. Tanubrata à FEUP, ficou a intenção de se "repetir" a experiência, abrindo a porta para outros alunos da FEUP. A LDU Logistics Development Unit, a unidade em que trabalho, sendo responsável pelas iniciativas de desenvolvimento, será a coordenadora destas iniciativas.

No mês passado em que tivemos a definir o plano de trabalho, ficou estabelecido que se daria prioridade á FEUP e à Georgia Tech University dos EUA, na colaboração com universidades em projectos de inovação. Como tal os diversos directores da WFP serão convidados a apresentar propostas de projecto que serão enviadas para a FEUP para alocação de alunos (em caso de interesse). Prevejo que pelo menos 1 ou 2 projectos sejam apresentados por semestre. Como só foi possível definir esta colaboração agora, os primeiros projectos poderão ocorrer a partir do 2 semestre.

No que diz respeito a esta colaboração (um exemplo entre outras possíveis iniciativas), acredito que a FEUP como faculdade de referência, pode apresentar-se como solução a muitos dos desafios que se apresentam nas Nações Unidas. Numa altura de desafios, acredito no saber que a nossa faculdade possui, e espero contribuir para tornar este saber útil a nível mundial.

Cumprimentos Romanas,

Sérgio Guedes Silva.

ver site



The goal is to create architectural solutions that can demonstrate responsive and intelligently active behaviors with respect to changing individual, social and environmental needs. Kinetic function is used as a technological design strategy for building types that are efficient in form, lightweight, and inherently flexible with respect to various contexts and a diversity of purposes. Intelligent kinetic systems arise from the isomorphic convergence of three key elements: structural engineering, embedded computation and adaptable architecture. Such systems shall serve as a practical means for inventing entirely new ways of developing spaces, and the designing and building environments that address dynamic, flexible and constantly changing needs.See here

Discurso directo

Às vezes, em vez de insistir na literatura, vale a pena tentar saber através de quem realmente as usa, qual o impacto que têm as ajudas técnicas nas vidas das pessoas.
Site com histórias sobre a utilização de ajudas técnicas.


Ano Europeu da Criatividade

Abertura oficial do Ano Europeu da Criatividade e Inovação em Portugal

No passado dia 3, no Centro Cultural de Belém, decorreu a abertura oficial do Ano Europeu da Criatividade e Inovação em Portugal, presidida por Carlos Zorrinho Coordenador Nacional do AECI e Margarida Marques, Chefe da Representação da Comissão Europeia em Portugal.
A sessão de manhã contou com a presença de Don Tapscoot que abordou o tema ‘Governação 2.0: Como a Geração Internet está a mudar a governação, a inovação e a democracia’. A parte da tarde foi dedicada a uma mostra de boas práticas no que respeita a aplicação da Criatividade e Inovação e contou com a presença de diversos oradores.

centro português de design agenda

28 Fevereiro 2009
INOV-Art | 1ª fase de candidaturas
Data limite
Local: Lisboa

08 Março 2009
Observeur du Design | 10ª edição_ exposição
Data limite
Local: Paris, França

21 | 29 Março 2009
Inhouse | Exponor
Local: Matosinhos

31 Março 2009
The World Design Capital 2012 | inscrições
Data limite
Local: Seoul, Coreia do Sul

13 Fevereiro 2009
Plagiarius Awards 2008_ cerimónia de entrega de prémios
Local: Frankfurt, Alemanha

06 Março 2009
Concurso InPAR - Oceanário de Lisboa
Data limite
Local: Lisboa

30 Junho 2009 | 31 Janeiro 20010
Wolda’ 09 | The Worldwide Logo Design Annual
Datas limite
Local: Milão, Itália

16 | 18 Junho 2009
Design Plus_ Material Vision 2009
Local: Frankfurt, Alemanha
materialvision@german-design-council.de | www.german-design-council.de

17 de Fevereiro
Conferência com o designer argentino Norberto Chaves | ISEC
Local: Lisboa

23 | 27 de Fevereiro de 2009

Workshop de Colagem Digital | FBAUL CIEAM_ entrevistas
Local: Lisboa


The World Design Capital 2012 | inscrições

O Projecto The World Design Capital é bianual e tem por objectivo promover o recurso ao design como ferramenta essencial das várias áreas da vida das cidades: social, económica e cultural. Está aberto a todas as cidades interessadas. A cidade eleita capital mundial do design para 2010 é Seoul.
Para a edição seguinte o júri que seleccionará as candidaturas é composto pelo Prof. Carlos Hinrichsen, Presidente do Icsid (Chile), Deyan Sudjic, Director do Design Museum (Reino unido), Guto Indio da Costa, Arquitecto (Brasil) e Se-hoon Oh, Mayor de Seoul (Coreia do Sul).
Data limite de inscrição: 31 de Março.
Formulário de inscrição e informações: www.worlddesigncapital.com

With more than half the world's population now living in urban areas, cities are facing dramatic changes in how they adapt to their rising populations and effectively provide for the businesses that feed their economic growth. The future success of each city lies in the hands of those who plan, design and manage the shared spaces and functions of their city.

Design then, is an increasingly fundamental tool in all levels of public and private development. For cities, design is at their very core and is leveraged in business, with citizens, as well as in government to make cities more attractive, more liveable and more efficient.

The World Design Capital is a city promotion project celebrating the merits of design. Held biennially, it seeks to highlight the accomplishments of cities that are truly leveraging design as a tool to improve the social, cultural and economic life of cities, throughout a yearlong programme of design-related events.

While there are many titles that recognise individual accomplishments in design, the World Design Capital designation is unique, as it aims to focus on the broader essence of design's impact on urban spaces, economies and citizens. The vision of the World Design Capital project is to promote and encourage the use of design to further the social, economic and cultural development of the world's cities.

The designation provides a distinctive opportunity for the selected city to showcase their accomplishments in attracting and promoting creative industries, as well as demonstrate how government and industry work in concert with educational institutions, designers and its citizens to revitalise and reinveint the urban environment.

Conferência com o designer argentino Norberto Chaves | ISEC

No próximo dia 17 de Fevereiro, às 17h00, no ISEC, em Lisboa, decorrerá uma conferência com o designer argentino Norberto Chaves, organizada pela Unidade Cientifico Pedagógica de Design e Artes Gráficas.
Norberto Chaves (n. Buenos Aires 1942) é uma referência obrigatória do design de comunicação, nomeadamente nas áreas de marcas e identidade corporativa. Tem vários livros publicados, como ‘La Imagen Corporativa’, ‘El Oficio de Diseñar: propuestas a la conciencia critica a los que comienzan’, ‘El Diseño Invisible: siete lecciones sobres la intervencion culta en el habitat humano’, ‘La Imagen Corporativa: teoria y metodologia de la identificacion institucional’. Leccionou na EINA de Barcelona, e na Faculdade de Arquitectura de Buenos Aires.
É sócio-fundador da I+C Consultores: www.icconsultores.net
Os alunos externos ao ISEC deverão inscrever-se em: http://gcd.isec.universitas.pt através do link ‘Sujeita a inscrção para externos ao ISEC’.

[ Social Design Blog MANIFESTO ]

We are part of a growing number of design professionals, design students, and design thinkers who are committed to promoting design as a tool for social change, and who see in the design discipline a far broader role to play than that of a silent accomplice to market strategies, brand enhancement, consumption and the normalization of social and cultural values.

As designers and uppermost as citizens, we witness the rising tautness in the current economic, politic and environmental situation. In our jobs, and in our lives, we long to do more. Particularly as designers, we intuit our strategic placing in the larger capitalist logic we work with/for (some against, or about - but one would have to agree there is always some degree of relation) should grant us great opportunities to bring about positive change. Are we seizing that momentum?

All this, is about social engagement, and that can only happen through critical observation and thinking. This blog aims to be a space for just that.

Kate and Joana, who met while collaborating for the SocialDesignSite, firstly initiated this blog. The SocialDesignSite is a not-for-profit organization that aims to foster and facilitate a discourse on social design by establishing a unique interactive online platform. They present a vast array of innovative projects that help develop and sharpen our common understanding of social design both in context as in practice.

This blog shares with the SocialDesignSite the aim to create awareness and promote reflection towards how we could do things differently, how do we bring about positive change, and why we have chosen to organize ourselves the ways we have.
If the SocialDesignSite has earned its place as a reference for exhibiting and categorizing exemplary social design projects from a variety of fields, this blog will complement that by a deeper problematization on the issues those projects address.

To achieve that, thinkers, writers, critics, scholars and theoreticians of all backgrounds will be called to contribute. Hopefully, this will enhance the tranformation of all the available online knowledge into evaluation and inquiry. This discussion of the developing concept of social design, and the gain of perspective and understanding about models, methods and instruments available, aims to evaluate the impact on the social world and explore the possibilities of what we could do differently.

This blog is a place to ask questions, debate the multitude of answers, and bring completely new perspectives to the table.

The SocialDesignBlog writers and contributors,
November 2008


CES EduPack Symposium & Courses

Cambridge University
April 1-3, 2009

An event for materials educators in engineering, science, processing and design

This is a new event, offering a great opportunity to share experience, pick up new ideas for teaching, to network with colleagues, and to get training.

Join us for the main Symposium on April 3, with the option of dinner on the evening of April 2. The Symposium will be packed with ideas for use of CES EduPack and for materials education in general. Talks from materials educators at leading universities will cover a wide range of subject areas.

Symposium poster session, April 3, 2009
"Enhancing Teaching and Learning"

All participants are invited to present a poster during the Symposium. There will be an opportunity to view posters during Symposium breaks.
The title of the poster session is "Enhancing Teaching and Learning". We invite posters that describe any novel or interesting approach to the teaching of materials and processes in engineering, science, processing, or design. The aim of the session is to facilitate networking and exchange of ideas between participants. The posters do not need to describe use of CES EduPack, although EduPack will obviously be of great relevance to all Symposiym attendees.

Register here for the Symposium.

Design Boom Newsletter

Designing Out Stigma - The potential of Contradictory Symbolic Imagery

Article by Renato Bispo