O Projecto The World Design Capital é bianual e tem por objectivo promover o recurso ao design como ferramenta essencial das várias áreas da vida das cidades: social, económica e cultural. Está aberto a todas as cidades interessadas. A cidade eleita capital mundial do design para 2010 é Seoul.
Para a edição seguinte o júri que seleccionará as candidaturas é composto pelo Prof. Carlos Hinrichsen, Presidente do Icsid (Chile), Deyan Sudjic, Director do Design Museum (Reino unido), Guto Indio da Costa, Arquitecto (Brasil) e Se-hoon Oh, Mayor de Seoul (Coreia do Sul).
Data limite de inscrição: 31 de Março.
Formulário de inscrição e informações: www.worlddesigncapital.com

With more than half the world's population now living in urban areas, cities are facing dramatic changes in how they adapt to their rising populations and effectively provide for the businesses that feed their economic growth. The future success of each city lies in the hands of those who plan, design and manage the shared spaces and functions of their city.
Design then, is an increasingly fundamental tool in all levels of public and private development. For cities, design is at their very core and is leveraged in business, with citizens, as well as in government to make cities more attractive, more liveable and more efficient.
The World Design Capital is a city promotion project celebrating the merits of design. Held biennially, it seeks to highlight the accomplishments of cities that are truly leveraging design as a tool to improve the social, cultural and economic life of cities, throughout a yearlong programme of design-related events.
While there are many titles that recognise individual accomplishments in design, the World Design Capital designation is unique, as it aims to focus on the broader essence of design's impact on urban spaces, economies and citizens. The vision of the World Design Capital project is to promote and encourage the use of design to further the social, economic and cultural development of the world's cities.
The designation provides a distinctive opportunity for the selected city to showcase their accomplishments in attracting and promoting creative industries, as well as demonstrate how government and industry work in concert with educational institutions, designers and its citizens to revitalise and reinveint the urban environment.