In 2009 Messe Frankfurt and the German Design Council (Rat for Formgebung) are once again holding the Design Plus competition on the occasion of the international M aterial Vision trade fair. Internationally oriented, the competition is open to manufacturers, designers and architects with material applications or products (hat have been made using innovative materials or manufacmring processes. This Design Plus competition is not restricted to companies raking parr in the Material Vision 2009 trade fair or conference.
The Design Plus Award is given for outstanding and particularly innovative design. For manufacturers and designers, the Design Plus Award represents an excellent marketing tool while, for consumers, it is a sign of very high product quality.
Weenclose information abouttheDesignPlus competition. The deadline for receipt of entries is 31 March 2009.
Theprize-winningproductswill be presentedtoparticipantsin thefair andconferencewithinthe frameworkofaspecialshow. Theaccompanying publicationand theinrernarional public-relations measureswillensurethe presenceofalarge numberofdesign-oriented representatives ofthemedia. The registration of submissions is only possible via the interneeat www.material-vision.com, For further details, please see the enclosed information material.
We wish you every success for your participation in the Design Plus competition on the occasion of M aterial Vision 2009.