
Everyone is a designer; yes?

Besides the common question about what is design, another is what is a designer or rather, who is a designer? If we are convinced that design is all around us, and that we live in a designed world, then is everyone a designer? And, in that sense, how can a designer make a living or make a difference?

A couple of days after the launch of the EDTI eNews, some 1,000 visitors had visited the EDTI website to learn more about this new international initiative. This is an encouraging result that shows the interest and importance of developing skills, competences and knowledge in design.

EDTI is launching a new, short survey for graduates (less than 3 years after graduation) in the design domains. On a quarterly basis, EDTI will put the same questions to graduates. Step by step, it will be possible to identify trends and from these to identify potential training or services to best support graduates and help them find the right job.