
Por onde anda o design

A Lucy Kimbell enviou à PhD Design list um anúncio de que está online o relatório do "Workshop on Strategic Design & Public Policy" que decorreu por iniciativa do UN Institute for Disarmament Research.
Como eu não sei explicar melhor que ela, cá vai a cópia integral do e-mail enviado [o destaque é da minha autoria]:

"Dear all

UN Institute for Disarmament Research conference on Strategic Design and Public Policy

Those of you interested in the strategic role of design especially in challenging contexts such as peace and security will, I hope, be interested in a report from a workshop that took place in June.

This was initiated by the UN Institute for Disarmament Research (a UN research institute), and co-organized by Said Business School and the University of Washington. It led directly from several years of work undertaken by Derek Miller and Lisa Rudnick at UNIDIR through their SNAP project which led to a growing interest in design, especially service design. Their work has been selected for inclusion in a design exhibition in Ljubljana later this year.

The workshop brought together over 25 academics and practitioners from three domains (a) those working within UN and other organisations on issues of peace and security and concerned with how to make it more effective, (b) people working in management and design especially service design, and (c) people working in cultural research. We concluded that peace and security operations would be more effective if they included attention to having a design phase, not just jumping into "planning" and that the worldviews or local knowledge of those the operations are supposed to serve should be included in the design of any programme. We also decided that working on peace and security context raised challenging questions for designers about how they go about participatory design. We believe this was the first time such a group was brought together although clearly it echoes many other activities exploring an expanded role for design.

We are now taking some of the suggestions generated further. Please get in touch with me or with Derek Miller and Lisa Rudnick at UNIDIR if you would like to engage with this initiative in some way.

Here is a link to the conference report which will soon be up on our various organizations' websites.

Como se pode ver, o relatório está disponível para consulta aqui. Vale também a pena vistar o blogue da Lucy Kimbell, que é este.