
Optimization of the mold to the corners of front bumper

The thickness of the mold walls was increased and rays of agreement (3mm) were added to the edges to give greater strength and avoid problems of lamination in these areas.
It was removed material in flat faces to reduce costs, because it isn't necessary for the manufacturing of the bumper corners.

Soon, will be ready to be sent to ENP.



E esta? O INNOWIZ é uma ferramenta disponível na internet e desenvolvida por investigadores do Industrial Design Center da Howest University, em Kortrijk, Bélgica (a propósito: esta é uma das cidades que participa do Innovation Festival, juntamente com Barcelona, Milão, Lisboa, Vilnius e Tallin).
A ferramenta serve para a implementação de objectos/sistemas inovadores e é completíssima, estando disponíveis ao longo da exploração da ferramenta uma série de processos para cada uma das fases que integram o processo de inovação: Problem Definition, Idea Generation, Idea Selection e Idea Communication.
Acho que vale a pena ver aqui.



DesignEd Asia Conference 2010

"DesignEd Asia Conference 2010, part of the very successful Business of Design Week (BODW Hong Kong) is calling for Abstract submissions until Jul 31 2010. Design Ed Asia is jointly co-organized by School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Hong Kong Design Institute & Hong Kong Design Centre.

The conference is in its 6th year, exclusively dedicated to Design Education is a forum where practitioners, academics and governmental bodes meet to exchange ideas and knowledge on Design Education.

For more information and submissions please visit our website.

Design Education has the chance to preserve world cultures, and the skills of those cultures, through digital, fashion, graphic, interior and product design. Do you have an important story to tell about design and culture? Are the artefacts that your students design steeped in the culture of their region or are they made for a nondescript global market? Please share your insights with us this December at DesignEd Asia Conference.

We invite papers in the following topic areas:

- Successful cultural content integration into the curriculum

- Regional cultural design projects

- Sustainability and cultural designs

- Entrepreneurial local cultural designs

- Designing for other cultures

- or a topic of your choice that relates to the theme"

Website da conferência.


University Creative Arts

MA Sustainable Product Design
1 year full-time, 2 years part-time at UCA Farnham
Martin Charter
This course provides a conceptual process and context for the development of creative and innovative products, which includes the study of socio-cultural and economic issues; new technologies; and creative visual language in relation to your practice.
You undertake individual research projects using an integrated product design process. You develop and communicate sustainable design solutions that also meet other relevant design criteria and respond to broader issues such as lifestyles, markets or the information economy.
There are also seminar sessions with visiting professional product designers, who provide critical feedback to advance your design concepts to prototype stage, ready for final exhibition and commercial manufacture.
Stage 1
You study units that include an exploratory project where you investigate the application of product design skills and knowledge alongside contextual perspectives.
Stage 2
Continue to formulate and develop your ideas, understanding the relationship of your project to professional practice and considering your practice in respect of further contextual perspectives.
Stage 3
Your final project represents the culmination of your studies and forms an exposition of the central ideas and concepts developed throughout the course. You have the option to resolve your project as practice-based work or a dissertation or a combination of both.
How this course is taught
You are taught through a mixture of seminars, lectures and specialist subject activities, initially to form your objectives and study plan, identifying design activities and possible commercial partners.
How this course is assessed
You are assessed on your major project thesis which includes product development work in collaboration with an industry partner. Your thesis could take a number of formats, including: essays, presentations and research papers; conceptual development in models and drawings; and prototyping work in innovation and consumer products.

PARSONS School of design strategies


Design for sustainability at Stantford

Design for Sustainability


Course Description

Lecture/lab. Role of design in building a sustainable world. How to include sustainability in the design process considering environmental, cultural, and social impacts. Focus is on a proactive design approach, and the tools and techniques needed to translate theory into artifact.


The invention of the concept of “intermediate technology” in the 1960s marked the start of a growing movement to use technology to relieve impoverished communities. The trend intensified within the last decade with the introduction of innovative finance models, the recognized success of social ventures, the social responsibility movement, and the growing number of student classes oriented towards technology development for the poor.  So much so that there is now a wide variety of terms and methodologies, including: social impact design, BoP design, design for extreme affordability, design for the 90%, appropriate technology, etc.
While the definitions and methodologies vary, the common goal can be broadly described as a quest to best meet the needs of the poor through accessible technologies or service offerings without compromising the resources of the future. It requires input from a variety of industries, including energy, farming, appropriate technology, business, manufacturing, industrial design, anthropology … the list goes on.
Each of these industries has a unique perspective and methodology they bring to the table. A designer’s toolbox is strengthened not just by being exposed to these methodologies, but by doing, trying, failing and succeeding at them for themselves. This is how we get beyond broad definitions and discussion, by applying our beliefs to our design process.  The ultimate goal of CataCAMP is just that, to strengthen our designers by arming them with experience that enables them to define a methodology for themselves.

Fashion Design at Bath Spa Universit

[Pedido de divulgação]

Dear Sir

Please see below a flyer advertising the MA Investigating Fashion Design at Bath Spa University. This is a fashion history and theory course, run collaboratively with the world renown Fashion Museum,Bath. Whist undertaking this MA, students will have access and gain work experience at the Museum, develop fashion history and theory projects and develop teaching and learning skills suitable for a career in higher education. To date our students have undertaken projects in the UK and overseas on subjects as diverse as ‘Couture during the Belle Epoch’ and ‘Northern Soul and Dress Performativity’.

I would be delighted if you could circulate these course details (below) and my contact details (j.turney@bathspa.ac.uk) to any interested parties as we are now recruiting for our second year.

Many thanks for your time and consideration.

Dr Jo Turney
Course Leader, MA Investigating Fashion Design

Key features
– You will have access to a world renowned collection of
fashionable dress;
– You will be able to conduct and present original research to
a wide audience;
– Publish your research project
– Understand key issues relating to teaching in a higher
education environment and working in a museum

Application forms are available from the Admissions Office
Manager, Bath Spa University, Newton St Loe, Bath BA2 9BN.
Telephone 01225 875433

For informal enquiries about the programme please contact: Dr Jo Turney Tel: 01225 875552 E-mail j.turney@bathspa.ac.uk


Victoria's Design Festival - State of Design

Enfim, é muito longe e acontece já em Julho, pelo que, ainda por cima, está muito em cima da hora. Mas vale a pena dar uma olhadela a este site do Victoria's Design Festival para perceber que há muito para fazer, para mostrar, para aprender nas mais variadas áreas do design. O festival está dividido em 4 domínios principais: Design Capital, Design for Everyone, Design:Made:Trade e Premier's Design Awards.

Call for papers: The use of researcher practice in the design-based PhD

Call for papers anunciada pelo professor Mark Evans, da Loughborough Design School:

"Further to recent discussions on this forum and a review of published material, there is a need for a
resource that presents documented examples of completed PhD’s that include visually creative
researcher practice in the design-based PhD. An opportunity exists for the design research community to
generate a resource (with lots of images) that will be of benefit to new researchers, supervisors, and
demonstrate the value of design-based researcher practice to the wider academy.

The focus of this call is for PhD case studies that demonstrate researcher practice in the form-giving
disciplines that have a presence in design schools, professions and publications; such as (but not
limited to) fashion, silversmith and jewellery, textiles, ceramics, furniture, interior, graphic,
industrial/product, and architecture . The highly visual nature of researcher practice in these
disciplines means that, in addition to descriptions of the research methodology, the publication will
contain colour images of the design process and/or outcomes.

As the extent to which PhD researchers have recently engaged in design practice as a method of data
collection is unknown, it is hoped that the 1700 members of this forum and their wider network will be able
to support the creation of a resource that contains case study examples of best practice. The viability of
creating this will ultimately depend on the number and quality of contributions received and the degree
of uncertainty in the project means that book/journal publishers have not yet been contacted. This will
be undertaken when contributions have been received and the review process, managed by the Design
Practice Research Group at Loughborough Design School, is complete. However, in the unlikely event of
publishers not wishing to collaborate in this venture, the publication of the resource as either a book or
web-based resource will be underwritten by the Design Practice Research Group of Loughborough Design
School (subject to contributions being of sufficient quality).

As the call requires the submission of PhD’s that have already been completed, the first deadline is
relatively tight which supports the aim of publishing the material as soon as possible. The deadlines are
as follows:

- 30 May 2010, call launched
- 25 June 2010, deadline for receipt of outline proposals using pro-forma (below)
- 16 July 2010, short-listed contributors contacted with request for full papers
- 13 August 2010, deadline for full papers

If you would like to submit a summary of a completed PhD, please use the pro-forma below and email it as a pdf to
M.A.Evans lboro.ac.uk by 25 June 2010.

Dr Mark Evans
Loughborough Design School"


Projectos de Design contra a Pobreza e a Exclusão Social

Convocatória de Ideias para a criação de Projectos de Design contra a Pobreza e a Exclusão Social

Last Call – data-limite 10 Julho
No âmbito do Ano Europeu de Combate à Pobreza e à Exclusão Social e coincidindo com a II Bienal Ibero-Americana de Design, o Ministério da Cultura de Espanha apresenta a iniciativa “Design contra a Pobreza”. Este projecto é constituído por duas fases sucessivas: a Convocatória de Ideias e a Exposição que mostrará os projectos seleccionados no Museu de Nacional de Artes Decorativas (Madrid).

O objecto desta convocatória é colocar o design ao serviço da pobreza, mediante a selecção de propostas para os espaços e equipamentos dos lares transitórios destinados a pessoas em processo de inclusão social, com o objectivo de melhorar as actuais condições dos lares comunitários temporários.

As propostas apresentadas deverão enquadrar-se numa das três seguintes categorias: fomento da socialização (salas de estar, salas de jantar, quartos de jogos e trabalho comunitário), preservação da privacidade dos indivíduos (dormitórios, espaços de trabalho) y espaços e equipamentos privados socializados (higiene pessoal, cozinhas partilhadas, etc.); podendo optar-se por uma das modalidades dentro de cada categoria:
-        Organização, distribuição, decoração e ambientação de esses espaços.
-        Desenvolvimento de algum objecto ou equipamento dos mesmos.
Os projectos poderão ser uma nova criação ou bem como melhorias de outras existentes, sejam elas reais ou apresentadas em literatura de referência.

Poderão participar arquitectos e designers latino-americanos, espanhóis ou portugueses, individual ou colectivamente, independentemente do seu país de residência. O número de projectos a apresentar por concorrente e por categoria é ilimitado.

Dada a finalidade social e humanitária da convocatória, os melhores projectos entre os seleccionados poderão, neste caso, ser entregues às ONGs colaboradoras para a sua produção e execução, em parte ou na sua totalidade, com uma retribuição de 10.000€ pela cedência de direitos de autor, segundo o regulamento da convocatória.

Power to the Pedals


Inside the zurich design museum collection

For centuries, Swiss design was synonymous with watches, army knives, sewing machines, and other precision utilitarian objects. Then came the rise of Swiss graphics and typography in the 20th century, when the grids and sans serifs of talents like Josef Müller-Brockmann and Jan Tschichold created a legacy that dominates the tiny country’s design reputation even today. But inside the 10,000-square-foot universe of the Museum Für Gestaltung Zurich’s collection archives — behind whose doors normally only curators and students are allowed — every chair, teapot, and cigarette lighter is either a product of or an influence on Switzerland’s industrial design history, which the museum strives to promote through the five to seven temporary exhibitions it produces each year.
When Sight Unseen was invited in April to tour and photograph the Design Collection, one of four housed in the archive building, it was the first time we’d seen a museum collection in storage, and it was quite an impressive sight. Containing more than 10,000 products and 20,000 examples of packaging — including prototypes, one-offs, and mass-produced items both anonymous and designer — it fills rows and rows of shelves stretching all the way to the ceiling, plus dozens that are compressed together on moveable tracks like library stacks. Started in 1987, it’s younger than the museum’s poster, graphics, and applied arts collections, and around 40-50 percent of the objects it comprises are Swiss. There are Sigg bottles, Freitag bags, and Swiss airline utensils, while in the chair room, rough, forgotten prototypes for a bakelite shell chair by Willy Guhl appear strikingly similar to the fiberglass versions Charles Eames was developing across the Atlantic at the exact same time.
We documented these and other finds in the slideshow at right to the best of our abilities, but we were unable to secure a follow-up interview to learn more about how and why the museum makes each new acquisition, as the museum’s curators were busily preparing their upcoming show —  “Make Up: Designing Surfaces,” which opens August 25. If you have questions about anything you see in this story, we encourage you to email the museum


Fill of the sill (floor)

The fill of the sill was not considered previously.

Design Journal & Conference Calls

Útil site que permite obter informação centralizada sobre conferencias de design e chamada de artigos.


Acessibilidade e design inclusivo

Rui Ribeiro, docente do Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, acaba de ser convidado a integrar a Comissão Técnica - CT 177(IPQ) - "Acessibilidades e Design Inclusivo". Trata-se do primeiro representante da Universidade do Porto a fazer parte desta comissão técnica desde a sua criação em Abril de 2008. 

Licenciado em Engenharia Física Tecnológica pelo IST - Instituto Superior Técnico e doutorado em Física da Radiação pela Universidade de Coimbra, Rui Ribeiro é também Senior Staff da divisão de Física Aplicada do CERN (Centro Europeu de Física de Partículas, Genebra). É colaborador do LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas, investigador do LOME-INEGI e professor na FEUP e na Universidade do Minho. A Física Aplicada à Medicina e a Biomecânica são as principais áreas de interesse do actual integrante da Comissão de Acessibilidade e Design Inclusivo. 

De carácter normativo e de aconselhamento, esta comissão técnica abrange a concepção, implementação e gestão do meio edificado, equipamentos, produtos e serviços, que permita assegurar uma igual oportunidade de uso, de uma forma directa, imediata, segura, permanente e o mais autónoma possível. 

A representação da FEUP terá, assim, como objectivo, transmitir à comissão o conhecimento da Faculdade de Engenharia do Porto na área da Acessibilidade e Design Inclusivo e receber informação da evolução que se opera neste domínio. 

"A Acessibilidade e o Design Inclusivo são áreas onde há muita falta de aplicação prática, ainda há muito a ideia que estes temas se resumem a colocar elevadores e rampas de acessibilidade", afirma Rui Ribeiro, destacando que "o conceito é muito mais vasto e passa, por exemplo, por levar as nossas vozes a serem ´ouvidas` por surdos e o que escrevemos a ser ´visto` por cegos. Felizmente a FEUP tem um pensamento bastante abrangente e muitos trabalhos têm sido desenvolvidos nesta temática, no entanto ainda há muito para fazer". 

Inserts of the supports for link to the chassis

Inserts of the floor


11 Designs for Disastrous Times

Alguns produtos já são conhecidos, outros se calhar nem por isso. São 11 produtos para "tempos de desastre", que podem ser vistos no site da Fast Company.


A conhecer

ver em http://www.bemadaboutdesign.com/

Palestra sobre Design

O Design Studio FEUP e a Silampos realizaram uma palestra sobre o tema integrada na semana do Design na Escola Arquitecto Oliveira Ferreira em Arcozelo. A participação em iniciativas deste tipo visa a divulgação dos valores projectuais do DsF e da sua prática.



A Design Battle é uma conferência organizada pela Diverge, que vai acontecer no dia 24 de Setembro deste ano em Lisboa. O programa está dividido em 3 grandes temas: "Design for Community", "Design for Desire" e "Design for Market".
As inscrições podem ser feitas online e custam 250 euros até dia 15 de Julho. Depois disso é mais caro (ainda).
O programa alicia e pode ser visto aqui. Lista de oradores aqui (entre vários nomes nacionais e internacionais muito conhecidos, está o de Filipa Pias, a criadora do projecto Design é Preciso, de que já falámos aqui).