A organização do Include 2011 já está a aceitar abstracts. A data limite de envio é a 15 de Junho:
"Call for Abstracts
Include 2011 welcomes abstracts for 10 page (full) papers or 5 page design stories that address the conference themes of:
Organisation, Origins and Outputs of Social Innovation, with particular reference to Inclusive and People Centred Design.
The conference language is English.
Abstracts of no more than 200 words should be entered straight into the Include 2011 conference management website.
Authors will be accepted on abstract submission then asked to submit a full paper or design story of their work.
Papers will be peer reviewed through the Include Review Committee.
Accepted papers will be published in the online conference proceedings.
Abstracts will be published in the conference programme.
Papers will be presented at conference through oral or poster presentation.
Deadline for abstract submission is: 15 June 2010
Other Key Dates for Include 2011 are:
31 July 2010 - Authors notified of abstract acceptance
15 October 2010 - Deadline for receipt of papers
17 December 2010 - Notification of papers review
31 January 2011 - deadline for 'camera-ready' papers
15 April 2011 - Include 2011 at the Royal College of Art begins"
Informação aqui. Envio de abstracts por aqui.