Conferência que terá lugar em Barcelona entre os dias 8 e 10 de Setembro. O prazo limite para envio de resumos é a 31 de Janeiro.
"Design activism has emerged in recent years as a term to denote creative practices that invoke social, political and environmental agency. Typically, it distances itself from commercial or mainstream public policy-driven approaches. Instead, it embraces marginal, non-profit or politically engaged design theories, articulations and actions.
Arguably, ´design activism´ is a response to particular contemporary conditions of geo-political change, social conditions, economic practices and environmental challenges. It nonetheless inherits a rich history that goes back as long as design itself. A number of questions therefore arise. For example, what is distinctive about design activism today as opposed to its expression in the late 1960s and 1970s, the period of pioneer modernism of the 1920s or the intentions of William Morris? Are there or have there been different qualities of design activism in different locations, according to various issues such as scale, mode of intervention, contexts of governance, and so on? How have designers attempted to reconcile ambitions toward social change with economic imperatives? What is to be learnt from the design histories of non-Western countries with respect to activism and social change?
This conference offers an important opportunity for design students, academics and practitioners to participate in the development of historical enquiry into design activism. It welcomes the presentation of original research that helps deepen and widen our understanding of its practices and theories, contexts and discourses. The types of design expression that this conference includes, but are not limited to, are professional and non-professional industrial, graphic, craft, textile, fashion, urban, spatial, interior, digital and service design."
Mais informações aqui.