
Métodos de investigação em Design

Uns estão divididos pelas fases de desenvolvimento projectual em design, outros segundo categorias de abordagens aos desenvolvimento projectual, e, claro, há muitos métodos que se repetem de uma base de dados para a outra.
De qualquer forma, ainda que com estas repetições, ficam aqui 4 sites sobre métodos de investigação em design:
- SILK Method Deck
- Service Design Tools
- IID - Approaches to problems
- Generic Work Process

Critérios de avaliação de design ADI-FAD

Evaluation criteria

The products presented will be examined under the following criteria both by the committee of experts and the jury:

• Adaptability: products which respond to people’s needs despite their social and cultural differences.

• Responsibility: Products that are guaranteed to be safe to use and beneficial while having minimal environmental impact.

• Coherence: products which display an appropriate use of technology, colour, materials and all components in the process of manufacture and distribution.

• Image: products which communicate strongly, giving an clear interpretation of function and encouraging the emotional satisfaction of the user.

• Innovation: New use or notable improvement of objects, services, processes, technologies or forms of organization related with product design. This innovation may include aspects such as productivity, availability in the market, social or environmental impact, accessibility or the values promoted. 

Building on MICA's pioneering integration of art and design with civic engagement, the program provides students with the chance to participate in the same discovery and problem-solving processes implemented in the practice of design, but using a community-focused approach. Students collaborate with community members, partner organizations, and renowned experts as they research the cultural, social, political and economic factors that will inform their work. Tangible outcomes could include advancement in public policy, changes in lifestyle habits, or mass awareness of important issues. Students emerge from the program with the investigative, problem-solving and project management skills needed to affect social challenges. In the process, they develop their own voices as socially responsible designers and are prepared to assume leadership roles in the profession.
Read the full program overview here.

Change Observer


De Portugal para Moçambique





After two decades as a student and faculty member at MIT, my newest experience at the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) has reawakened me to the world of physical creation. RISD represents the ultimate culture of makers. There is no greater integrity, no greater goal achieved, than an idea articulately expressed through something made with your hands. We call this constant dialogue between eye, mind, and hand “critical thinking—critical making.” It’s an education in getting your hands dirty, in understanding why you made what you made, and owning the impact of the work in the world. It’s what artists and designers do.

Small Scale, Big Change - Exposição no MoMA

Ligação para o site de uma exposição muito bem montada pelo MoMA.
Texto tirado do site:
"Small Scale, Big Change: New Architectures of Social Engagement (October 3, 2010–January 3, 2011) presents eleven building projects on five continents that bring innovative architecture to underserved communities. The featured architects address the functional requirements of their designs but also aim to have a broad positive effect on the communities they work in, as partners in social, economic, and political transformation beyond the boundaries of their often modest sites. In addition to new modes of participatory design, the projects on display incorporate pioneering site-specific ecological and socially sustainable practices, including the exploration of both new and traditional materials. Populations that have previously rarely enjoyed the attention of architects are engaged in designs incorporating innovation worthy of the broadest attention. The renewed commitment of these architects and many of their colleagues to socially responsible architecture is reminiscent of the ideals of twentieth-century masters, but these designers eschew their predecessors’ utopian, wholesale blueprints for change imposed from above. Small Scale, Big Change presents radically pragmatic, “acupunctural” projects—limited interventions with wide-reaching effects."


A insustentável medida do PIB

Um dos editoriais da Nature de Fevereiro de 2010 resume em poucas linhas por que razão já não faz sentido usar o PIB como principal indicador económico. O problema do PIB é que não conta com medidas sociais, ambientais, etc., i.e. medidas de desenvolvimento sustentável.
O editorial menciona algumas das iniciativas que têm vindo a ser levadas a cabo (pelo menos em teoria) em vários sítios, incluindo na OCDE.
Estas políticas parecem assentar "como uma luva" às nossas preocupações com o design inclusivo, com a cidadania, enfim... Com a sustentabilidade não só ambiental, como social. O próprio campo do design inclusivo e do design universal tem vindo a abrir-se a outras preocupações, como se pode ver pela última edição da Universal Design Conference ou nos tópicos da próxima Include 2011.
O conteúdo deste número da Nature está disponível aqui.


Include 2011 - Oradores convidados

Os resultados das avaliações aos trabalhos submetidos para a Include 2011 já foram divulgados. O programa ainda não está disponível (temos que esperar pelo início do próximo ano), mas há já três oradores confirmados:
Bill Moggridge, Ezio Manzini e Sarah Harper. Nada mal.


Design of the Decade [2000-2009] IDSA - carlos aguiar CoMet


Design of the Decade (DoD) recognizes and celebrates the positive impact that design has on business and society.

The DoD jury, led by Charles L. Jones, awarded 12 golds, six silvers and two bronzes in 12 categories. "Normally categories of design awards reflect the industry they are in or a certain aspect of the design process," said IDSA's CEO Clive Roux. "We wanted to try to take a new direction with DoD and look at how design affects business."
The designs were judged on their benefit to society, benefit to business, innovation, benefit to user, responsibility, benefit to client and visual appeal. The winners included:
  •     Solution to a consumer problem - Gold/Design of the Decade: ClearRx; Silver: LifePort Kidney Transporter
  •     Solution to a developing world social problem - Gold: Tata Swach® Nanotech Water Purifier; Silver: Mechanical Advantage Tourniquet (MAT); Bronze: OLPC XO Laptop, XO-3 Laptop, Yo-Yo and Multicharger    
  •     Solution to a developed world social problem - Gold: Inogen One® G2
  •     Most responsible design solution - Gold: OmniPod Insulin Management System
  •     Most appealing consumer solution - Gold: Flip Family of Camcorders; Silver: CoMet Gas Cylinder
  •     Design's contribution to business efficiency - Gold: Virgin Atlantic Upper Class Suite
  •     Most profitable solution to a business problem - Gold: Gillette® Venus®
  •     Best sustainable design solution - Gold: Setu? chairs; Silver: Method Laundry Detergent with Smartclean Technology?; Bronze: Nike Considered Footwear
  •     Design thinking's contribution to business - Gold: Amazon Kindle; Silver: Swiffer
  •     Most successful integration of new technology - Gold: Jawbone Bluetooth headsets and Company Strategy; Silver: Defibtech's Lifeline Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)
  •     Design's contribution to market share growth - Gold: SERVO-i Intensive Care Ventilator
  •     Biggest contribution to brand growth - Gold: Apple Retail Stores

The jury featured top design executives representing design consultancies, design companies and corporations including: Chris Bangle, BMW's former director of design; Ayse Birsel, IDSA, president, Birsel + Seck LLC; David Butler, IDSA, vice president of global design, The Coca-Cola Co.; Marc Greuther, chief curator, The Henry Ford; Sohrab Vossoughi, IDSA, founder and president, Ziba and Brian Walker, president and CEO of Herman Miller.
To view the Design of the Decade Gallery, visit www.idsa.org/dod.

About Design of the Decade
The Design of the Decade 2000-2009 celebrates the importance of industrial design through innovation, excellence and business success. By closely examining a product over a given time period, one can understand and appreciate the impact industrial design has on industry and society. The sponsor for Design of the Decade was Teague, one of the world's top five design consultancies. Media partners were the following: Core 77 (U.S.); Curve magazine (Australia) and Yanko Design (student).

About IDSA
Founded in 1965, the Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA) is the world's oldest, largest, member-driven society for product design, industrial design, interaction design, human factors, ergonomics, design research, design management, universal design and related design fields. IDSA produces the renowned International Design Excellence Award® (IDEA) competition annually; hosts the International Design Conference and five regional conferences each year; and publishes Innovation, a quarterly journal on design, and designBytes, a weekly e-newsletter highlighting the latest headlines in the design world. IDSA's charitable arm, the Design Foundation, supports the dissemination of undergraduate scholarships annually to further industrial design education. The organization has more than 2,500 members in 28 chapters in the U.S. and internationally.

For more information, visit www.idsa.org


Conferencia FEUP dia 9 Dezembro

EpDAH (Engenharia para o Desenvolvimento e Assistência Humanitária - Associação para a Cooperação) é uma instituição portuguesa sem fins lucrativos constituída com o apoio da Ordem dos Engenheiros, que visa promover acções conducentes à sustentabilidade da exploração dos recursos naturais, entre outros desígnios. 

Com base na sua visão e valores e no presente contexto de actividade humana sobre o nosso planeta, a EpDAH irá promover a conferência "Desenvolvimento Sustentável na UP", no próximo dia 9 de Dezembro, no Salão Nobre da Reitoria da Universidade do Porto. Este evento tem como objectivo a discussão do Desenvolvimento Sustentável, o seu estado actual em Portugal e a sua alocação ao Ensino Superior. 

Para um debate profícuo, o evento contará com a presença do Reitor da Universidade do Porto, José Marques dos Santos, e de entidades de renome como a Sustentare, WWF, EDP, BCSD, FEUP, CIBIO entre outras. O evento será ainda engrandecido pela participação de Iain Patton, Chief Executive da Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges e Conselheiro da UNESCO para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável no Ensino Superior, e Wynn Calder, Secretário-geral da University Leaders for Sustainable Future. 

As inscrições são gratuitas e deverão ser efectuadas até final do dia 7 de Dezembro, através do e-mail sustentabilidade.up@gmail.com. 
