This is an interview with Bill Moggridge where he talks about how we can make design that really matters. The interview is made by Designboost and is one of three made this spring on the topic Design Beyond Design, which is also the theme for Designboost 2011.
Bill Moggridge is the director of the Smithsonian’s Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, the only museum in the United States devoted exclusively to historic and contemporary design. Bill designed the first laptop computer, the Grid Compass, launched in 1982. He describes his career as having three phases, first as a designer with projects for clients in ten countries, second as a co-founder of IDEO where he developed design methods for interdisciplinary design teams, and third as a spokesperson for the value of design in everyday life, writing, presenting and teaching, supported by the historical depth and contemporary reach of the museum.
Bill Moggridge recently relased the book, video and website Designing Media.