



Until recently people interconnected mainly within their local communities. Today the world is one global village, where everybody and everything seems to be connected. Through the almost limitless possibilities of digital and wireless networks people, countries and economies are increasingly interwoven. 

This infinite connection opens countless ways for new forms of solidarity, helpfulness, neighbourly relations and co-operation. The flipside of this 24/7 global connection is that people sometimes seem to lose their grip on things. They get overwhelmed by the overload of information and feel powerless against economic and political developments that seem to evolve on their own. 

Such feelings drive people to long for disconnection, to get rid of Facebook, Twitter and the lot – which is quite difficult by the way –, and to step out of international co-operations like the European Union or the combined euro currency. This can lead not only to a renewed focus on close and immediate networks of family and friends, and local communities, but also to a more grim celebration of nation and homeland.

Designers of all disciplines are in a position to embrace, facilitate, improve, exploit, simplify and make manageable the unbounded human interconnection. Creativity can be the bridge between people, cultures, companies and governments. Designers also profit from international co-operation and can find solutions to problems by bringing previously separated worlds together. 

The 2012 edition of What Design Can Do explores the positive and negative sides of a connected world and looks into the role of the designer as a connector.


Jesper design

Vale a pena ir dar uma vista de olhos


Design Plus para IVO Cutelarias

Forged kitchen knife series for quality producer Ivo in Portugal Multiple award wining design from designer Jesper Ståhl for high quality all forged kitchen knives. For the Portuguese brand and producer Ivo. A series of several sizes and uses designed for the professional cook as well as the enthusiastic home user. With its solid felling and well balanced geometry it is a delight to use as well as to look at. Update 2012-02: We have been awarded to prestigious "Designplus 2012" award at the Ambiente Fair for our work with the Virtu line as now avalible also in black - Virtublack.

see http://jesperstahl.com/



As paragens do Civitas Bus que pretende ser um serviço para melhorar a mobilidade, foram feitas com DEGRAUS e sem rampa de acesso para utentes em cadeira de rodas, como se pode ver no post da coluna da direita. Ao que sei não são da responsabilidade da FEUP. Por certo se vai argumentar com as usuais razões da falta de verba e espaço para fazer as rampas. Convém que se digam as coisas frontalmente: é inaceitável e um exemplo cabal de como quando aparece um problema a resolver as pessoas com necessidades especiais de mobilidade se riscam sem qualquer prurido e se mandam dar a volta ao campus pelos seus próprios meios. O projecto Civitas, bem no fundo, serviu para melhorar a acessibilidade ou para receber ums dinheiros da Europa e ser um balãozito de oxigénio para manter umas tantas estruturas em funcionamento? Os degraus levantam-me algumas dúvidas....

Site em construção

Novo site do eD-Escritório de Design / Carlos Aguiar, com blog associado.


Ainda muito verde em termos de conteúdos (viva o Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum) mas espera-se que vá sendo actualizado (convém esperar sentado...).

Dado que o único alimentador desta página vai ter agora pouso próprio prevê-se igualmente que a frequência de posts aqui pelo Design Studio FEUP vá diminuindo (ainda ninguém estava a notar?)