
A história das coisas (nas livrarias)

Após ter produzido um vídeo, de extrema simplicidade gráfica e de grande impacto mundial, sobre a cadeia dos processos de extracção, produção, distribuição, consumo e eliminação das «coisas», Annie Leonard escreveu este livro, cujos principais capítulos são aqueles pontos-chave. A sua obra, fruto de 20 anos de pesquisa no terreno, demonstra como consumir tem sido considerado um «dever sagrado»; como a produção dos bens de consumo se baseia numa ruinosa, e injusta, exploração da natureza; como integra, desde o início, elementos de alto nível de toxicidade; como obedece a uma «obsolescência planificada», com o contributo das campanhas publicitárias; abordando ainda, inevitavelmente, o difícil problema da eliminação do que deitamos fora. Sem ceder ao pessimismo, a autora oferece-nos uma refrescante visão de uma economia cuja sustentabilidade se adapte aos recursos finitos do sistema principal - a biosfera terrestre da qual fazemos parte.


Design Journal

Berg Publishers is pleased to announce The Design Journal has been rated an 'A' in the European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH).

More content, more value - Complete online archive released
All institutional subscribers now have access to the complete online archive consisting of 12 volumes. 31 issues have been digitized and are available to institutions, providing invaluable content to all researchers and practitioners concerned with the evolving role of applied design.

The Design Journal  is the essential academic journal in its field.  The journal contains timely and relevant research from across the globe and is the prime source of information for practitioners and  academics in design, business, branding, marketing communications and strategy. Margaret Bruce, Manchester Business School, UK

SHU workshop

Lab4Living is hosting and facilitating a design competition and workshop on the 14th and 15th of July. It is sponsored by and KT-EQUAL and Devices for Dignity (Department of Health) and will be jointly delivered by Lab4Living at Sheffield Hallam University and the Engineering Design Centre at Cambridge University.
After a briefing about different design methods, 3 teams will be given real life design problems and asked to apply the methods to develop solutions. The teams of approximately 6 people, will be composed of healthcare professionals, engineers, designers and end users.
The workshop will run over 2 days with the aim of prototyping solutions towards the end of the second day and lead onto potential collaborative grant submissions by the team members to develop the solutions further.



Norwegian Design Council


Designing with people


Our congratulations go to the winners of the Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design’s latest 24-hour Inclusive Design Challenge. A team led by Nestlé’s Ben Mortimer took the Judges Award for a smart-phone game, Street Wheels, where players mount wheel-based transport like prams, skateboards and wheelchairs to steer their way through hazardous urban streets. www.designweek.co.uk/blog/editor’s-blog/3025771.article

So confident was the team, which included wheelchair user Simon Grisdale as its ‘design partner’, that it changed its name at 2.30am, half way through the challenge. The original name The Collective was abandoned for CSJ - the Centre for Smoother Journeys - in the hope of cashing in on the idea. Strange things patently happen under the pressure of 24-hour challenges, which are fast becoming to design contests what quick-fire Pecha Kucha acts are to ‘show-and tell’ presentations.

Congratulations too go to the all-female 10 Collective, led by Gemma Dinham, which worked with visually impaired artist Sally Booth to create Memo - a personalised card-based service to help partially sighted people use automated teller machines more easily. The team of four freelance graphic designers won The People’s Choice Award, voted by their fellow challengers

INCLUSIVE Challange 24hr. Londres

A Designer Ligia Lopes que irá organizar com o Design Studio FEUP o 24hr Inclusive Design Challenge (Vila Nova de Gaia, 3 e 4 de Junho) participou em Londres num evento com objectivos semelhantes durante o Congresso "INCLUSIVE" que decorreu no Royal College of Art. 

26 Abril

17677 - 16737 = 940 visitantes em 26 dias = 37 por dia. Afinal talvez ainda valha a pena ter o trabalho de manter isto aberto.


Inclusive design research

Arquitectura do corpo humano

Se hoje em dia se considera que as incapacidades são geradas não pela deficiência, mas pelo ambiente, também se poderá dizer que algumas incapacidades emergem por via da cultura e dos preconceitos. Assim, enquanto designers, nem sempre o design de produtos/ambientes chega. São necessárias intervenções sobre o próprio [pre]conceito de deficiência. E aqui a arte pode ter um papel fundamental. As imagens que se seguem são fotografias de uma série criada por Lucy McRae e Bart Hess. Vejam, por favor, os sites deles onde estão muitas mais fotografias.
Estas imagens foram encontradas através do site DESIGNABILITIES, do Tom Bieling, que tem vindo a levar a cabo uma investigação interessantíssima sobre as possibilidades que as deficiências podem trazer à interacção digital.







The Buckminster Fuller Institute is dedicated to accelerating the development and deployment of solutions which radically advance human well being and the health of our planet's ecosystems. We aim to deeply influence the ascendance of a new generation of design-science pioneers who are leading the creation of an abundant and restorative world economy that benefits all humanity.
Our programs combine unique insight into global trends and local needs with a comprehensive approach to design. We encourage participants to conceive and apply transformative strategies based on a crucial synthesis of whole systems thinking, Nature's fundamental principles, and an ethically driven worldview.
By facilitating convergence across the disciplines of art, science, design and technology, our work extends the profoundly relevant legacy of R. Buckminster Fuller. In this way, we strive to catalyze the collective intelligence required to fully address the unprecedented challenges before us





Human Centred Design is an approach that integrates multidisciplinary expertise towards enhancing human well-being and empowering people. It leads to systems, machines, products, services and processes which are physically, perceptually, cognitively and emotionally intuitive to use.
The human centred designer is a relatively transparent figure who does not impose his or her preferences on a project, but, instead, conveys and translates the will of the people in order to empower them through the final design solution. Human centred design involves techniques which communicate, interact, empathise and stimulate the people involved, obtaining an understanding of their needs, desires and experiences which often transcends that which the people themselves actually knew and realised.
The Human Centred Design Institute (HCDI) brings together a group of experts from four Brunel University Schools who develop the knowledge and skills required to design products, services and systems which are physically, perceptually, cognitively and emotionally intuitive.


This web-based resource has been created by the Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design at the Royal College of Art to share ways to design with people. Get started by meeting real people and exploring a range of activities of daily living. On this site you can review design methods, develop protocols for ethical practice and contribute your own ideas.


Design Espanhol



PEGA: paper polypropylene alloy

Taipei and shanghai based consultant agency PEGA design & engineering's new structural material concept  is on display at milan design week 2011. the material is a recycled paper and polypropylene plastics based alloy that is attractive to the senses, environmentally friendly and uses the same injection mold mach standard ine and process as ABS plastic products. the paper PP alloy also has the same high strength and elasticity as ABS, but is a cost effective, available, recyclable and reusable, even biodegradable, alternative

Der Lauf der Dinge

The Way Things Go (German: Der Lauf der Dinge) is a 1987 art film by the Swiss artist duo Peter Fischli and David Weiss. It documents a long causal chain assembled of everyday objects, resembling a Rube Goldberg machine.

Apoio desalojados terramoto Japão

(enviado pelo Pedro Taboaço)



Design Studio FEUP at Sheffiled Hallam University

A convite da Universidade Sheffield Hallam (SHU) o DESIGN studio FEUP e a Divisão de Cooperação da FEUP, estiveram em Inglaterra de 3 a 9 de Abril onde desenvolveram contactos com aquela escola, e em particular o Laboratório Design Futures, a Universidade de Sheffield, o Sheffield Bioincubater e a AME Product Development Solutions. Foram discutidos modos de cooperação a nível de MSc e PhD com a SHU e estabelecidas as bases de parcerias ERASMUS no ambito do ensino: realização de workshops temáticos com mobilidade de docentes, mobilidade de alunos e participação simultânea em projectos de alunos das duas instituições via Skype.  Estas acções irão ser objecto da assinatura de um protocolo entre as instituições. Estão previstas duas a três deslocações ao Porto de docentes da SHU até ao fim do presente segundo semestre. Com a Universidade de Sheffield estabeleceram-se contactos sobretudo para a participação do Design Studio FEUP num evento de Design a realizar, naquela cidade, em Novembro onde alunos da FEUP e da SHU realizarão uma "coopetition" de 72 hr sobre um tema dado. Foram ainda efectuados contactos com empresas de design, tendo uma delas mostrado interesse em receber estagiário(s) do cursos de Mestrado em Design Industrial e Desenvolvimento da FEUP. Outro dos assuntos abordados prende-se com a possível comercialização no Reino Unido de projectos dos alunos como forma de financiar o curso e a mobilidade dos seus participantes, para o que poderia ser estabelecida uma parceria com uma empresa ou entidade local. Finalmente foram estabelecidos contactos com vista à divulgação de obras musicais da comunidade do STOP no mercado britânico. Globalmente a deslocação foi muitíssimo produtiva, sobretudo pela impecável organização de todo o programa pelo Dr. Pedro Coelho da Divisão de Cooperação que conseguiu estabelecer uma agenda das 9:00 às 18:00 TODOS os dias sem um momento de descanso! O absoluto profissionalismo da preparação desta missão deve aqui ser destacado e elogiado. Mais notícias em breve.