Prémio Universal Design 2010 | Universal Design 2010 Award
As inscrições para o prémio "universal design 2010" estão abertas até dia 22 de Dezembro de 2009. Todos os profissionais relacionados com design de produto, design gráfico, produção, design de serviços ou prestação de serviços, arquitectos e designers de interiores pordem participar.
Mais informação sobre como entrar na competição neste link:
Registration is now open for those who wish to enter the universal design 2010 competition. All product designers, graphic designers, manufacturers, service providers and service designers, architects and interior designers are welcome to participate with their work.
You can get more information by assessing the following link:
Miguel Neiva
Aqui fica o convite para assistir ao Open Talk sobre o projecto colorAdd - sistema de identificação de cores para daltónicos.
Para além de fazer uma apresentação do projecto ColorAdd e de todos os recentes desenvolvimentos tendo em vista a sua implementação, terei o prazer de ter na mesa um Daltónico que nos contará na primeira pessoa como se adaptou com o facto de não conseguir visualizar correctamente as cores, que dificuldades encontra no seu dia-a-dia e como encara as vantagens de aplicação deste projecto.
O Open Talk será no proximo dia 05 de Novembro, às 19h15 no Lounging Space da Experimenta Design, Palacio de Braancamp, Patio do tijolo, 25 em Lisboa.
Estou certo que será muito interessante. cumprimentos
miguel neiva
Experiências de Consumo
Estudos de caso no interior da Classe Média
Alice Duarte
U.Porto editorial, 2009
Localizada na área da Antropologia do Consumo, a presente obra visa contribuir para uma compreensão abrangente dos fundamentos familiares e pessoais da procura do consumo, elucidando sobre a sua utilização enquanto meio de expressão e comunicação de identidades familiares e pessoais. O processo de consumo é aqui analisado enquanto prática cultural capaz de transmutar as mercadorias produzidas em massa em bens singulares detentores de propriedades significativas particulares. Concretizando um dispositivo metodológico qualitativo que articulou entrevistas em profundidade e etnografia, a investigação concretizou-se sobre um universo de estudo composto por 24 famílias, pertencentes às “novas classes médias” e residentes na cidade do Porto e áreas adjacentes num raio de 50 quilómetros.
(see here)
Palestra dia 28 de Outubro 2009 às 14:30 no anfiteatro B008
Alessandro Oltramari
Institute of Cognitive Science and Technologies (ISTC-CNR),
Laboratory for Applied Ontology (LOA), Trento & Department of Management and Engineering (University of Padua), Vicenza.
In this talk I illustrate a foundational and applicative framework where cognitive semantics and formal semantics can actually converge in the task of modeling ‘knowledge contents’. The main aim of this approach is to enhance tools and solutions provided by “knowledge technologies”. I will introduce the notion ofCognitive Matrix as “the network of static and dynamic structures underlying cognition”:
Cognitive Matrix supplies a nested structure to the flow of information that starts from the environment and, passing through the private mental layer of agents, ends in linguistic forms. Machine- understandability of knowledge strongly depends on the creation of computational models of the world, so-called "ontologies"; nevertheless, ontologies cannot capture the dynamic aspects of meaning construction. The goal of this seminar is to present an hybrid perspective on meaning, both on the side of theoretical foundations and technological solutions.
Challenging the Curriculum
Call for papers
Date posted: 14/08/2009
Announcing the cltad 5th international conference:Challenging the curriculum: exploring the discipline boundaries in art, design and media
12 & 13 April 2010, Novatel, Tiergarten, Berlin.
“Creativity is possible in all areas of human activity, including the arts, sciences, at work, at play and in all other areas of daily life. All people have creative abilities and we all have them differently. When individuals find their creative strengths, it can have an enormous impact on self-esteem and on overall achievement.”
- Robinson, K. et al (1999) All our futures: Creativity, Culture and Education, Report to the National Advisory Committee on Creative and Cultural Education
The 2010 cltad international conference will focus on curriculum design in art and design Higher Education meeting the challenges of changing times and demands. As old discipline structures are eroded, new liaisons are emerging. On one hand, art and design reach out and connect with other disciplines, influencing all aspects of society and how we live. On the other hand, creativity, which we have perhaps regarded as the prerogative of art and design, is increasingly being recognised as significant and central in every discipline. Building on the 2008 conference the organisers want to explore where boundaries to disciplinary uniqueness are becoming blurred and where collaborations between the disciplines are being built, sometimes by intent and occasionally by chance
Challenging the Curriculum
CLTAD's 5th International Conference.
Call for papers
Date posted: 14/08/2009
Announcing the cltad 5th international conference:Challenging the curriculum: exploring the discipline boundaries in art, design and media
12 & 13 April 2010, Novatel, Tiergarten, Berlin.
“Creativity is possible in all areas of human activity, including the arts, sciences, at work, at play and in all other areas of daily life. All people have creative abilities and we all have them differently. When individuals find their creative strengths, it can have an enormous impact on self-esteem and on overall achievement.”
- Robinson, K. et al (1999) All our futures: Creativity, Culture and Education, Report to the National Advisory Committee on Creative and Cultural Education
The 2010 cltad international conference will focus on curriculum design in art and design Higher Education meeting the challenges of changing times and demands. As old discipline structures are eroded, new liaisons are emerging. On one hand, art and design reach out and connect with other disciplines, influencing all aspects of society and how we live. On the other hand, creativity, which we have perhaps regarded as the prerogative of art and design, is increasingly being recognised as significant and central in every discipline. Building on the 2008 conference the organisers want to explore where boundaries to disciplinary uniqueness are becoming blurred and where collaborations between the disciplines are being built, sometimes by intent and occasionally by chance
Design Connexity
Dear All,
The EAD 09 conference, Design Connexity, website has now been archived and can be found at:(www.EAD09.org.uk). The site contains downloadable pdfs of all the referred papers and videos of the keynote speakers’ presentations and other conference related information.
Kind regards,
Nicky Sarjent
Imagination Coordinator
Editorial Assistant - Design Journal
ImaginationLancaster (LICA)
The Roundhouse
Lancaster University
Welcome to the website of Design Connexity (here), the European Academy of Design’s 8th International Conference.
The Design Connexity conference took place on 1st, 2nd and 3rd April 2009 and was hosted by The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland.
The conference was attended by over 140 delegates from over 25 countries from around the world.
This website contains an archive of the conference; including the call for papers detailing the conference themes, downloadable refereed conference papers, videos of the keynote speakers and a gallery of images taken during the event.
The next European Academy of Design conference will take place in Porto, Portugal in spring 2011.
Design & Emotion Society
About the Design & Emotion Society
Our mission: the Design & Emotion society raises issues and facilitates dialogue among practitioners, researchers, and industry, in order to integrate salient themes of emotional experience into the design profession.
What we are
The Design & Emotion society is established in 1999 as an international network of researchers, designers and companies sharing an interest in experience driven design. The network is used to exchange insights, research, tools and methods that support the involvement of emotional experience in product design. The daily board is based in The Netherlands.
Although the initiative originated from the discipline of product design and design research, through the years practitioners from other design disciplines such as interaction design and branding design, contributed and benefited from the network and activities.
What we do
The activities organised by the society offer a platform where professionals meet. Besides occasional initiatives, we organise the biannual International Conference on Design & Emotion as well as Design & Emotion workshops.
Why we do it
In the years before the first Conference on Design and Emotion (Delft, 1999), the founders of the society experienced a growing interest in the topic. They also observed however, that although many people in several disciplines were actively studying the possibility of involving users’ emotions in the design process, these initiatives were often isolated from each other. As the founders believed that the various parties would strongly benefit from learning about their mutual approaches, they decided to invite the pioneers in the emerging field to join them for the first Conference on Design & Emotion.
Today, after a series of successful conferences we observe a world wide acknowledgement of the significance of the area of design and emotion. Different sub movements arise and critical reflections to experience driven design emerge. We acclaim this lively course and willingly accept the challenge to guide and stimulate the ongoing dialogue.
4º Seminário anual do GAM
O seminário destina-se a profissionais de museus, designers e profissionais da área das necessidades especiais e pretende analisar e discutir, pela primeira vez no meio museal, o desenvolvimento de sinalização acessível, atendendo as necessidades do público em geral e do público com necessidades especiais em particular. A participação é gratuita. (ver aqui)
Cadeiras de rodas | Wheelchairs
Poderia ser a “história de”, “um estudo de”, mas são só alguns “exemplos de” cadeiras de rodas que a designboom decidiu agrupar e mostrar. Mesmo assim, é sempre bom dar uma espreitadela:
It could be the history of—, a study on–, but these are just a few examples of– wheelchairs, which designboom decided to group and show. Even so, it’s always nice to take a peak:
100 Products That Are Changing People's Lives
A Ana Correia de Barros já tinha referenciado aqui no blog. aqui fica outra edição do mesmo livro.
Personal Mobility Device
Honda Develops New Personal Mobility Device With the Goal of Co-existing in Harmony with People -World's first drive system that enables movement in all directions --
TOKYO, Japan, September 24, 2009 - Pursuing the concept of "harmony with people" Honda has developed a new personal mobility technology and unveiled U3-X, a compact experimental device that fits comfortably between the rider's legs, to provide free movement in all directions just as in human walking - forward, backward, side-to-side, and diagonally. Honda will continue research and development of the device including experiments in a real-world environment to verify the practicality of the device. (link here)
Today, many Danish companies and design agencies focus their work on Design to Improve Life, building on the Danish design tradition. In this section we offer an inspirational glimpse into some of the best Danish examples of Design to Improve Life. (link here)
The INDEX:Award is the biggest design award in the world, with a total award sum of 500,000 euros, but this grand figure financed by the state of Denmark isn't the only aspect distinguishing the INDEX:Award from most other design Awards.
The INDEX:Award is also the main driver of INDEX:'s mission to generate more Design to Improve Life of higher quality all over the world. The award receives nominations from China to the United States, from Finland to South Africa, from Singapore to Jordan – and from these nominations, the outstanding INDEX: international jury selects the best as finalists, and the very best as winners of the biennial award.
Each of the five winners represents one of the INDEX:Award categories – Body, Home, Work, Play and Community – that together span the spectrum of human activity and are relevant and understandable to people all over the world. (link here)
Workshop - Interiorismo Ferroviário e Subsistemas - Indústria Nacional
A Alstom é líder global no mundo da geração de energia e infra-estruturas ferroviárias e constitui uma referência em tecnologias inovadoras e "amigas do ambiente". É responsável pela construção dos comboios mais rápidos e dos metros de funcionamento automático com maior capacidade do Mundo, fornecendo soluções integradas tipo chave-na-mão para centrais eléctricas e serviços associados a uma gama variada de fontes de energia, incluindo hidroeléctrica, nuclear, gás, carvão e vento. O Grupo emprega 81,500 pessoas em 70 países e registou encomendas de 24,6 mil milhões de euros em 2008/09.
A Alstom, em parceria com o DesignStudioFEUP, e o AICEP realizará no próximo dia 12 de Novembro de 2009, a partir das 10h, no Auditório da Estação do Alto dos Moinhos (Linha Azul do Metropolitano) dia 12 de Novembro de 2009, um workshop de lançamento de uma rede de Empresas Portuguesas fornecedoras da Indústria Ferroviária, dedicado ao tema "Interiorismo Ferroviário e Subsistemas - Indústria Nacional".
Uma dezena de empresas, durante cerca de 10 a 15 minutos cada, irão divulgar as suas competências e mais valias com potencial de aplicação nesta área.
Seguir-se-à um debate no qual as restantes empresas presentes, que não tiveram oportunidade de intervir dada a limitação de tempo, poderão igualmente apresentar-se e expressar o seu interesse em vir a participar na rede.
A fechar a sessão, a partir das 17h, serão apresentados os resultados do "Alstom AGV Design Award Portugal", a qual culmina um projecto nacional levado a cabo com a colaboração do DesignStudioFEUP, envolvendo Escolas Superiores de Design que foram desfiadas a imaginar o interior de um comboio de Alta Velocidade á luz da Cultura Portuguesa.
10:00 Abertura da sessão - Eng. Ângelo Ramalho, Presidente Alstom, Professor Carlos Aguiar, Design Studio FEUP
10:10 Panorama industrial nacional perspectivas futuras - Dr. Basílio Horta, Presidente AICEP
10:30 Interiorismo Ferroviário e Subsistemas - oportunidades para a indústria Portuguesa
Xavier Badia-Sancho, R&D Director Alstom
11:00 Intervalo para café
11:15 Apresentações empresas (5 x 10 minutos)
Polipoli | TMG Fabrics | Simoldes | Metricube | EFACEC
12:15 Pausa
12:30 Apresentações empresas (5 x 10 minutos)
Vidropol | Inapal Plásticos | Amorim Cork Composits | Couro Azul | Alma Design
13:30 Almoço ligeiro
14:30 Apresentações empresas (4 x 10 minutos)
Strong | Sunviauto | Montemeão | Caetano Components
15:15 Debate com a participação das restantes empresas e entidades presentes na assistência
16:00 Balanço da jornada Alstom - Eng. Paulo Ferreira, Customer Director Alstom
16:30 Intervalo para café
17:00 Abertura da sessão pública com exibição de filme documentário sobre o concurso
17:05 Intervenção da Alstom, Designer Xavier Allard
17:20 Intervenção do Design Studio FEUP, Professor Carlos Aguiar
17:30 Intervenção do CPD, Designer Henrique Cayatte, (Presidente)
17:40 Intervenção da Alstom, Eng. Paulo Ferreira, (Customer Director)
17:50 Intervenção e entrega do Prémio Design Alstom pelo Ministro dos Transportes (a confirmar)
18:00 Encerramento
Inscrições obrigatórias em dstudio@fe.up.pt
Que imagem queremos para o nosso comboio de Alta Velocidade?
A Alstom Portugal desafiou alunos de 6 Escolas de Design a imaginar a Alta Velocidade adaptada à nossa cultura.
Como seria um comboio de alta velocidade português?
Que atributos e factores distintivos deveria ter?
Que inovações nacionais deveria integrar?
O Design Studio Feup organizou o concurso e deu apoio à sua realização
Divulgação de resultados e entrega de prémios decorrerá em Lisboa, no Auditório da Estação do Alto dos Moinhos (Linha Azul do Metropolitano) dia 12 de Novembro de 2009 pelas 17:00H.
EIDD - Design for All Europe
EIDD - Design for All Europe is a European network, founded in Dublin, Ireland in 1993 with the name of European Institute for Design and Disability. The original aim of the network, to use design to achieve the inclusion of disabled people in society in European countries, has since been reinforced with inclusion of a more mainstream approach, enhancing the quality of life through Design for All. The name change in 2006 reflects this development.
EIDD - Design for All Europe is now a federation of National and Corporate Member Organisations in 22 European countries. With a strong inter-disciplinary approach, the majority of members are professionals in design-related fields.
Design Singapore Council
Design is a strategic management capability that local companies can adopt to create value and enhance competitiveness. Design thinking moves beyond aesthetics to solving problems, realizing potential and creating new and tangible business output.
Design for Enterprises (DFE) is a national strategy created by DesignSingapore Council, SPRING Singapore and International Enterprise Singapore. In essence, Design for Enterprises is about helping Singapore-based enterprises understand the power of design and benefit from the impact design can make on business growth
See here
YES, WE CAN! Obama, Nobel da Paz… o Prémio da Nossa Cidadania!
Surpreendido, honrado e com profunda humildade, Barack Obama foi agraciado hoje com a atribuição do Prémio Nobel da Paz! Pelo seu “esforço extraordinário” em prol da Diplomacia internacional e pelo Desarmamento Nuclear, a Academia Sueca, demonstrou hoje a imprescindível consciência global dos problemas globais e o reconhecimento da justeza das grandes causas cívicas em prol da Paz no Médio Oriente, na condenação da Tortura, na Defesa dos Direitos Humanos… porque Obama trabalhou já, abrindo caminhos, no tão escasso tempo que leva a sua governação, com a Rússia, Cuba, África, Palestina, Israel, Irão, Tibete, no sentido de cimentar a Diplomacia indispensável à sobrevivência da Humanidade, da preservação da Diversidade, do combate à crueldade e à tortura… Guantanamo, Palestina, Desarmamento Nuclear e a luta cívica pela Saúde, a Educação e a Segurança social para todos no seu país, cujo rosto da pobreza e da exclusão ele assumiu. Obama representa a Cidadania que faz frente “aos grandes desafios do século XXI“ … o Prémio Nobel da Paz é hoje, através de Barack Obama, o símbolo da viabilidade da bondade, da persistência e da justiça na incansável luta pela Defesa da Democracia e da Dignidade da Vida Humana para Todos Nós, Cidadãos do Mundo! Presidente Obama, obrigado pela Esperança que nos devolveu e que persiste em afirmar como legítima designadamente no plano político… internacional, nacional, regional e local!YES, WE CAN!
Concurso IKEA
A IKEA Portugal convida os alunos estudantes de design, universitários e do Ensino Superior para participarem no IKEA Design Contest, destinado a premiar a criatividade e inovação, bem como a partilhar experiências e know-how na área dos artigos de decoração e mobiliário para o lar.
Ver informação aqui